
Ride a bike with the traffic or againist?

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I think you are supposed to ride a bike on the road against the traffic but my friend thinks you are supposed to with the traffic which is true i hear both and I dont know?Im from Florida.




  1. I think it is best to go against the traffic, because then you can see the cars closest to you and the cars coming from the back is on the far side of the road.

  2. You always ride with traffic. In fact, a bicycle on the roadway is IN traffic. You can be cited for going the wrong way if you ride against traffic.

    It is also dangerous to ride against traffic. If you are riding at 15 miles per hour and a car hits you head on at 15 MPH, it is the equivalent of hitting a wall at 30. Ouch (big ouch).

    If you are riding at 15 and a car hits you from behind at 15, it is the equivalent of hitting a wall at 0 miles per hour.


    Actually, If you are riding at 15 miles per hour and a car hits you head on at 10 miles per hour, it is the equivalent of hitting a wall at 25 miles per hour. If he 'hits' you from behind at 10 and you're doing 15, it is the equivalent of  not being hit at all.

    Even pedestrians should walk with traffic.

  3. Definitely with traffic.  Oncoming directionality always causes more confusion and is accidents of this variety are generally more severe.

  4. Where I live and work, cyclists are supposed to travel in the direction of traffic, and should use the roads, not the sidewalks, and also drive according to the Rules of the Road.

    When walking, you should walk against the flow of traffic, especially along roadways with no sidewalk.

  5. you always ride with the traffic

  6. You should always ride a bicycle with the flow of the same should always walk against the flow of traffic.

  7. I was always told to ride againt the traffic.

  8. Your should always ride on the right, with traffic.

    Riding against traffic confuses or surprises drivers.

    Almost one fourth of bicycle-car collisions result from bicyclists riding against traffic.

  9. bike riders are to observe the same rules of the road as car drivers.

  10. Always with the traffic.

    Drivers should not be looking out for someone riding against the flow of traffic on their side of the road.  They won't be looking for it and it could be very dangerous for the biker.

    Imagine a driver pulling out of a side intersection or a driveway.  He will be looking in the direction of oncoming trafiic and will not expect a bicycle coming from the other direction.  Of course, he should be looking and watching for pedestrians, but if the driver is not looking for the biker, there is an increased chance that he will collide with him.

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