
Ride at Disney World?

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Are they really getting rid of the "journey into the imagination with figment"?

And if they are, do you know what theyre putting in?

my sister works at epcot on a ride and she told me they're putting in a thrill ride in place of ittt(:




  1. I hope so. That would be awesome! Epcot needs more thrill rides!

  2. After the revolt they had last time they killed off Figment, I can't imagine they'd even consider it again.  But, every once in a while they do something so insane that it ticks me off for a year or so, and it's about time for another random act of stupidity, so .... who knows.  You should go to and Ask Annie; she has the resources to find out for sure.  I think your sister was just yanking your chain, though.  If such a thing was out to the cast members, I would have heard about it.

  3. Wow, I haven't heard that. I would be so bummed since I love the Figment ride!

  4. i doubt that they would do that, it is a classic. Plus the Kodak lab is right there too, so they would not get rid of both things.

  5. Are you serious? :O

    i havent heard about it yet, but i really hope they dont!

    i love that one!!!

  6. i doubt that with all the other free space they have, they would get rid of that ride. i know there is usually no line (at least during the off season) but its another option when its busy and the day is hot.

    they have the entire area where they had body wars. they could build anything there. but i guess only time will tell.

  7. well if they do build something in its place, you know its going to be better, disney just gets better and better, so im actually looking forward to this =]

  8. no i hope  not but i read that there keping it

  9. that ride was boring
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