
Ride spi bindings + ride tms board. screws are too short?

by  |  earlier

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im trying to mount the bindings but the screws seem to be too short. i would think there would be no such problems since both are ride brand. do i just take it all to a local shop and have them install it?




  1. They must have packed the wrong screws with the bindings - the thickness of the binding base determines the length of the screws. I would just visit the local board shop.

    Make sure to get the right ones from Ride or from a board shop - do not get s***w from the hardware store. The correct screws come with tread locking compound (usually blue stuff on the threads) and are more rust resistant than regular hardware.

    Good Luck

  2. Go to the hardware store and get some longer screws.  You can get the exact same type of screws there that the board shop will give you, wiht the locking compound and everything.

  3. me: spi binders with the ride DH, screws were too short, took it to the local, actual real snow slider shop...they had tons of hardware hanging around and they only charged me five bucks for the longer screws and they hooked me up with putting them in :)  hooray ride :)

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