
Rider Critique!?!?

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Hi. So i went to a show today with my horse CC and I got a second, 3 firsts and Grand Champion. I know I have asked this question before, but i just want to know if i have improved any, and any tips for future shows etc. I will post the video below. Thanks so much, and I have been jumping for about 6 months now.




  1. Lots of great tips from everyone! Remember to sit back more in the saddle. Also, work on developing leg strength. In the cantering video your leg looked like it was all over the place. Riding without stirrups will help that. Bend your elbows, don't keep them straight out in front of you and don't rest them on the horse's neck. Focusing on having your shoulders back will help with that. I disagree that you need to let out more rein. In fact, at one point your rein looked too loose and there was not good contact. Clean up the mane for better presentation. Overall, you guys looked good!! Congrats on grand champion!!!

  2. ur doing fine, just a few pointers

    u have to try to sit up straight, it may not seem liek a big deal but it is,

    if he randomly stoped at the canter u would go flying,

    also if u sit uo straight u will find it easier to sit to the canter,

  3. Overall i think you looked good. The only thing i can say is that you looked very bumpy at the canter. But i think you did very good.  Congradulations on your results

  4. okay few! it just wasnt me seeing you lean forward. Its like you were using your hands to steady yourself on your horses neck like you were expecting him to drop you like a sack of sand at anytime, stand straight keep your heels down look forward and SMILE! its your time to shine. Keep this in mind as your riding act like its just you and your trainer dont think of all the people and keep the basics running through your head and your horse will float like a dream. Good job though!

  5. Okay, I have been riding for many years. And i jump too(:.  But i saw a few things you need to improve on.  First off, sit back. You want a perfect line from your ear, to your shoulder, to your elbow, to your hip, and to your heel.  Push your heels a bit farther down, and forward. Because if you look in the video, your bouncing all over the place. If you follow these simple things, you will sit in the saddle better.  Beautiful horse, big too. Good luck with your riding(:

  6. Sit on your rear, not your, erm "girl thing".  Improve your posture as stated.

    Wondering what the logic is with ribbon colors.  I've never seen red for first and blue for third place.  peculiar.

  7. you look pretty good!

    the only problem is you tend to lean forward. try putting a little more weight in your heals and you should solve this problem. also give your horse a little more slack in your reins. he/she seems to understand what to do. trust her/him to do what you want.

  8. For 6 months your doing well. I would like to suggest that your form not be so rigid. Your form is good but looks a little stiff. Try to work on flowing or maybe just not so rigid. Make is look natural. Keep up the good work. OH, Beautiful horse! Good luck!

  9. First off, if this ends up sounding bitchy I apologise. I think you're a very good rider, especially as you've only been jumping for 6 months.

    You really, really need to sit back. Make a concious effort to widen your shoulders and keep your back straight. Keep your hands off CC's neck, when you start to jump bigger jumps you will really give yourself problems if you carry on leaning on him. When you canter, try to keep your lower leg still, it was wobbling back and forth in the video.

    CC was on the forehand a little, but if you pick your hands up and carry your shoulders right, he will quickly lift himself up, and you'll both find it easier to jump bigger. Try and get a little more impulsion too, CC was just sort of bumbling along. He's absolutely gorgeous though, and well done for the prizes :)

  10. ok, if you really want critique here it is.i don't know how you got second place. first of all you need it sit up straight. next get your hands of the horses neck. and when you canter-keep your but o the seat. the only time you should be posting is well trotting and in this clip i didn't see you doing that. you also need to losen up the reins a little and hold your horses head higher. i would suggest you fire your trainer, thats if you have one, and get another. before you go to another show, you need to fix these things.

  11. You looked great but you need to sit back you look like you are not comfortable at the canter. you also need to move with the horse more. To improve you can try rolling your hips at the canter and this will help you lean to move with the horse naturally straitening your  back.

  12. Overall, you are a nice rider and have a cute horse.  Your show turnout is nice wearing a nice show coat, gloves, clean boots, etc.  And your horse is nicely groomed.  He's a cute mover, too.  I do have a few suggestions...

    1)  tuck your hair up in a hairnet and into your helmet.

    2) make your horse's braids neater and braid his tail.

    3) although your heels are fairly well down, you appear "perched" as if gripping with your knee and your lower leg is loose--RIDE WITHOUT STIRRUPS 3X/week for 1 month (you can do only flatwork until your balance is good enough to jump w/out stirrups)!  You'll notice a difference!

    4) you need to balance better in your leg and sit down more; again, you look "perched" and you are leaning forward-again, ride without stirrups!; also jumping cavaletti bounces, and gymnastic jumps will help you to balance better).

    5) work on upward and downward transitions (walk to trot, trot to canter, walk to canter, canter to trot, canter to sitting trot, canter to walk); your transitions are not the most precise.

    6) maybe lunge your horse in the pessoa "thingy" or ride w/ a german martingale to get your horse a rounder topline; it will improve his suspension over fences significantly.

    Overall, you should be very pleased with yourself.  Best of luck!  

    (Just my opinion and constructive criticism!)

  13. Generally speaking, the first thing people do when a rider is being critiqued is to critique the trainer. Nothing we can do about it. Anyway...

    I think you are blessed with lovely basics. You and the horse are clean and look like a good couple. I can't say much else, because I've never been "lucky" to own a calmer horse; I've always owned Arabians. Of course, it is personal style, but I wish you would sit up straighter. (don't worry; I did the same thing for my first two shows, it goes away with experience) I also wish that you could sit in the saddle. My trainer and I usually watch shows, speechless, while she mutters "it's like the saddle is burning the butt. why can't they sit?!" I agree. I did the same thing, but I've learned that your horse can't feel you unless you are sitting in the saddle, a whole seat. Think about it. Your horse feels your hands, your legs, and your butt/body. If you butt is perched up and never touching your horse's back, he doesn't know what you want, and this can result in him becoming heavy with your hands and legs. At worse, if he gets a little fresh and rank, you won't have enough seat to stay on.

    Still, that's a personal pet peeve. x] Other than that, I think you look wonderful. With a little tweaks here and there, I think you can easily move up with CC to some 2 feet divisions soon. x]

  14. I like your forward seat! But work a few days a week without stirrups that will help heep your leg still. Also bend in the corners, inside led and outside hand but he shouldnt have a kneck bend so what he bends in his kneck should also equal what he bends in his body. And your horse looks lovley 4 the hunters but he heeds more "go" so in your warm up to quick trot/halt transistions and if he is bored with his job take him on a trail ride where you can gallop maybe a day a week or so. everything will come with experience! keep it up! :)
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