
Ridiculous Commercials: What do you think?

by  |  earlier

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I saw a commercial the other day of a soccer coach, who was talking about playing games and coaching your children. I thought "Oh, its a commercial for a soccer camp" then the guy was like "But wait till you see what games i make them play AFTER" and then it was like a commercial for awarness about sexual abusers. Im like "WTF?"

Im not saying that its bad to be aware, i hate pedophiles! I just found the commercial....creepy. And apparently my neighbors kid saw it and now refuses to go to soccer practice >.>




  1. I saw that, and thought it was unbelievably stupid and painfully funny.  I laughed.

    It was just a poor attempt at making people even MORE paranoid in an already fearful culture.

  2. I agree that it's a little ridiculous.  Not only that, it contributes to a culture of fear, where you can't trust anyone at all.  While it is the case that sexual abuse is a major problem and needs to be treated seriously, it should also be recognized that most of the time, the abuser is a family member, not a community member or stranger.  Reinforcing the idea that strangers or community members (teachers, coaches, church leaders, and the like) are likely abusers only increases the insularity of American life, which itself increases the chances of abuse by family members.

  3. Thats creepy as h**l....

  4. whats that all 'bout ???

  5. well

    there are a few kinds of ridicoules camericals

    1) the one u explained wicth is a raise awarness camericals=ok

    2) thet just want to be funny explain nothing -> geico camericals= h8 them

  6. that's sad

    they shouldn't have commercials like that

  7. That is creepy.

  8. yer i agree  i think that  if they are going to aware kids about that then do it on the news or somthink but they cant do it late because most kids are in bed an wont see it  

  9. there are a couple commercials like that and your right, its good to be aware but they could have done it in a more tastefull manner

  10. hahaha...that is sooo funny...what adversing agency would seriously make a commerical like that? that is creepy!  

  11. Yes...that commercial is just ugly and I think inappropriate.  The same with prescription drug commercials...

  12. I guess that's kind of what they were going for...

  13. agreed. creepy as h**l.

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