
Ridiculous food prices?

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Is it just me or does anyone else find that the cost of eating healthily very expensive. Why does it always seem that fruit and veg is so much more expensive than junk food and processed foods. Surely it takes more time effort and labour to process food in the first place.

How does everyone manage and are you feeling the pinch?




  1. thousands of junk food are made everyday, but veggies and fruits take time to grow

  2. I agree & if you buy organic, blimey the cost is sky high. I go to our local market  thats in the town on a friday prices are alot cheaper otherwise id really be feeling the pinch with the way foods prices have shot up....

  3. no i think  fresh  carrots ,swede, runner beans  etc are not at all expensive. a pineapple in tesco recently was £1. that is a bargain . if you want out of season fruit and veg then it could be more expensive but you have to be selective. i see junk food as being more expensive than healthy food.

  4. I'm feeling the pinch at the moment....We are told that we need to eat 5 a day...I'm finding it really difficult with the wage that I come home with to be able to afford 5 fresh veg and fruit everyday....I do grow a few veg in the garden but It's not enough to keep me going..

  5. Yes,here in the U.K its always been rip off Britain,but i have stopped buying a lot of foodstuffs they keep adding twenty pence here,thirty there.

    I do without,as everything has shot up,but it makes me so mad when the supermarkets peddle junk food to people in buy 2 get on free etc,but they never do it on healthy food,veggie or organic foodstuffs.

    That's why poorer people are unhealthy and many overweight.They just cant afford to eat healthy.

    If they have low income,on the dole etc,and many kids they have to buy what their money allows,and that sure isn't healthy food.

    Shame on the supermarkets who i think should maybe take the moral high ground and make junk food dearer and healthy food cheaper,if they all did it then people could make lifestyle changes.

    Junk food sells,and makes huge profits .

    We only buy organic,and my hubbys eggs have shot up from £3.35 to £4.25 for a dozen in the last few weeks!!.

  6. The logic ecapes me too, surely unprocessed food should be less expensive as it hasn't gone through, well, a 'process'.

    I rely on my weekly organic veg box as  a cheap and healthy way of eating, I recommend veg boxes for health and ones pocket.

  7. Hi I know what you mean and its always like that, they want us to eat healthy but we cannot as the food is far to expensive and when you do buy it, its fresh and you have to use it all up in a matter of days and it all goes off and then you have nothing left to make for the rest of the week.

    The trick is not to buy it, only posh people will all the money can fill up there trolleys full of veggies and fruit they probably have no children to look after either so its ok for them to eat healthier that others that are stuggling with what they have and to eat healthy.

    We only tend to buy frozen or tinned veg fruit as its just as good and is cheaper in the long run.

    I just dont know why the goverment doesnt lower the price instrad of putting it up as its essential to have fruit and veggies and people are not buying because it to expensive and if you want to go organic its even dearer.

    I remember when me and my hubby got a smoothy maker, we spent £15 on fruit that lasted us for 3 days and only made a few smoothies we thought to ourselves we are not doing that again, yet we are told that we should have our fruit and veg.

  8. Actually, I don't find that healthy food is more expensive.  I went vegan 10 months ago and switched from a vegetarian diet that was based too heavily on processed convenience foods, to a whole foods based vegan diet.  While the news has been trumpeting about food prices going up, my grocery bill has gone down 25%.  Bulk grains and legumes are about the cheapest foods you can buy.

  9. I do feel the pinch but have you tried shopping at your local market for fruit and veg they tend to sell it alot cheaper than shops like asda and tesco's.

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