
Ridiculous story, did i mess up??

by  |  earlier

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my friend was really drunk and he slapped a girl who i had been hooking up with really hard. at the time i wanted the girl to be my girlfriend but she kept saying she didn't want a relationship, she just wanted to hook up.

to complicate the matter, the male friend and the girl had s*x for a while when they first met.. before this girl liked me...

if she had been my girlfriend and the guy was someone i didnt know it would have been a lot simpler... but at the time i didnt think i could justify beating up my defenseless drunk friend because he had boned this girl many times and i had only kissed her, it didnt really matter that i liked her more than he ever did

the thing is this was a long time ago and the girl and i are still together. i think she questions my desire to protect her because of this incident. do you think i should have beat up my friend, at his own house, because he slapped a girl who he had more "claim to than i did?"




  1. Excuse me, but neither of you have 'a claim on her' if you were not the one who put a ring on her finger.  With that said, even if he was married to her, he would have no right to lay a hand on her.  If you wanted to be a gentleman you would have gotten up, told off you friend, and escorted her home.

    Beating up your friend would have just showed you were a bully and he would probably not even remember it in the morning.  It was not your fight anyway, but you had every right to intervene and remove her from a bad situation.

    Your response to her really did not impress her much, you can guarentee she wont be looking to bring your friendship to the next level now.

  2. ummmmmmmmmmmm just do nothing unless she brings up then say sorry

  3. um..

  4. d**n! too much drama!

  5. Get real!

    This is way after the fact and at the time they were still in somewhat of a relationship and you were not really in the picture much.

    You don't have to prove anything to anyone by beating anyone up. If your girlfriend thinks that way maybe she likes violence and that is why your friend had slapped her. She is also pretty immature in her way of thinking..

    It would be very stupid of you to go beat your friend up for this. If your girlfriend still has issues about it or is disturbed about it then maybe she is not really over the guy and you should look around for someone else,

  6. Well, you didn't give very complete details, so it's hard to say.

    What DID you do after he slapped her?  Did you restrain him?  Did you call him out?  Or...did you just sit there and watch it play out?

    When there is alcohol involved, situations like this often happen.  It's not always the guy who gets violent...sometimes it's the girl.  However, each situation is different.

    Personally, I was raised to believe that you should NEVER hit a girl, and that you should always defend them.  However, I've also seen situations where a drunk girl was antagonizing the man, slapping him and kicking him.  And, I've been in situations where the girl (or boy) was drunk and NEEDED a slap to the face in order to bring them back to reality (ie, the person is hysterical, or a danger to themselves and others).

    If none of these things describe your situation, then I would say that it's possible that she still has doubts.  The only way to know is to ask her....

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