
Ridiculous town-wide ban on "violent breeds"?

by  |  earlier

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i have 3 dogs: pitbull, rottweiler, and german shepard.

for dog owners: has there been any legislation passed in your area banning certain breeds? my tiny town of like 100 citizens recently decided to ban "violent" breeds, which includes akitas, rottweilers, german shepards, pit bulls, australian shepards, boxers, and many others... basically, if it is over 25 pounds- its banned now. what can i do to get past this ridiculous law? i'm not giving up my dogs- i grew up with them... my german shepard just turned 20 in march. these dogs are not violent and have never attacked anyone. i protested this at the town meeting, and provided letters from vets stating that most of the dogs included in this ban are not known for violence, and statements from my neighbors who said my dogs in particular are well-behaved and have never been violent. what is the deal here?!




  1. These breed bans are Breed Specific Legislation. More commonly known as BSL. There are 75 breeds that are banned and/or restricted in cities across the USA and Canada. No breed is safe from BSL They are introduced by legislators that either dislike animals or are feeling preasure from certain constituants. It is our job to educate the public that breeds (no matter which breed) are not the problem. Bad owners are and we should punish the deed not the breed. If we don't speak up our dogs will be the biggest losers. Remember the old addage: "the squeakiest wheel gets the grease". Go to town meetings with positive incidences and bring crowds of friends. Average citizens need to hear our side of the story by us educating them. Educated people know that dogs are not the problem, bad owners are. Get involved with groups that fight BSL even if they are not owners of your breed. Do your own part individually by writing letters to legislators and going to town meetings whenever possible.  

  2. Aussies wtf they are not mean neither are Germans shepherds cause i have one and she is the sweetest dog eve. I have never owned a pit or an akita but my nieghbors have they were sweet dogs. I would have alot of people sign a petition

    Oh and you should move if they make u get rid of ur dogs

    good luck  

  3. You must fight this ban! Present to them that it is how owner handles! If they continue this ban, take it to the state board or someone higher up.  

  4. This makes me so angry!

    People need to learn to be independent! Don't let the media influence you (not you in particular; you seem to know what you are talking about. I just mean people in general).

    In my area Pit Bulls (as if that is a breed) are banned in a certain town. I'm sure they confuse American Pit Bull Terriers with other bully breeds and have no idea they are killing the wrong animals.


  5. you might want to check this out with legal aid or something but if you owned  your own home and these dogs were already with you before the ban, they would be grandfathered in.  It means that you can't get any new ones of the banned breeds but they can't make you get rid of the ones you had before the ban.

    I hope it works out for you and your dogs.  Good luck

  6. so sorry to hear..... I hope the grandfather clause works ... he had a good point ... and if u have them all registered .. they shouldnt be able to get ride of them ..... SO SORRY UR TOWN IS DOING THIS .... i couldn't stand being w/ out my pit

  7. First off, I wanted to begin by saying "WOW'!  A 20 year old German Shepard!?!  You are clearly a great owner.  

    From there, this ban is so ridiculous.  Boxers?  They are not known to be aggressive at all, even though, as w/ any breed they can be made that way!  

    I don't have much advice, but below I will link a website and it's great.  This guy is really fighting BSL and may have some words of wisdom.  Sorry I can't be of anymore help.  I only can advice you to email him w/ you questions.  

    I really hope you are able to figure something out!  I would be so mad if that happened in my hometown, being a pit bull owner myself!  

    Good Luck!

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