i have 3 dogs: pitbull, rottweiler, and german shepard.
for dog owners: has there been any legislation passed in your area banning certain breeds? my tiny town of like 100 citizens recently decided to ban "violent" breeds, which includes akitas, rottweilers, german shepards, pit bulls, australian shepards, boxers, and many others... basically, if it is over 25 pounds- its banned now. what can i do to get past this ridiculous law? i'm not giving up my dogs- i grew up with them... my german shepard just turned 20 in march. these dogs are not violent and have never attacked anyone. i protested this at the town meeting, and provided letters from vets stating that most of the dogs included in this ban are not known for violence, and statements from my neighbors who said my dogs in particular are well-behaved and have never been violent. what is the deal here?!