
Riding Again?

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I went riding for a year but in October I stopped going because I was being shouted at because no one has taught me how to correctly canter so I couldnt do it. I want to start going again but should i start from the bottoma again or get a private lesson and get assessed?




  1. Well, First find out if the lady still works there. If she does, i beg you, plz don't go there! You will not enjoy it at all. because:

    1. she should not be yelling at you

    2. she should try to explain things in a calmly manner

    3. you don't seem to like her (i don't blame you)

    4. you might start arguing and the whole thing will just be catostrophic

    So, Try looking for another place around you (if she still works there). Now, when you start riding again, try to get a horse for beginners. Then, ride for a little while and let the trainer analyze you. She can tell you where you're at and where you guise need to start. You might not need to start from the very bottom. You might just need to work on your trotting for a couple of weeks, trott some poles, and then you can move on to cantering once again.

    Now, if you're scared to canter.... then try to go in a small ring, and use an older and more wise horse. (try not to use a fast horse)

    Here are some tips when you're cantering:

    1. start the canter in a corner... it helps the horse to start off on the correct lead

    2. remember to KEEP BREATHING (when i started cantering, i used to like..not breathe lol. then i would freeze up adn it would just be a disaster)

    3. If you're lead is wrong (if you do not know what this is, ask the trainer) then just slow your horse to a trott, and then pick up the canter again.

    4. Keep you're leg strong around the horse, but DO NOT keep your leg stiff. Remember to bend at the knee and go with the horse

    5. If you need to slow down, do not yank hard on the horses mouth. Try the half stop. When you slowly pull back and then release. IF you yank, the horse might get agrivated from the pain and begin to buck or just take off

    6. You can either go in a two point while cantering or sit up. But i would start out sitting up. When you start jumping, you're trainer should teach you more about the two point

    good luck!

  2. See if the stables has another instructor that you may get on with better.  A couple of private lessons would be a good idea, this way you wont feel intimidated by others in the group and your instructor can focus on your needs.  A lunge lesson is also an option, and will give you the chance to concentrate on your riding without having to worry about directing the horse so much.  It will also improve your seat and position, which will give you more confidence.  A private lesson will also allow you to develop at your own pace.

    Cantering can be difficult, especially as it is very bouncy to begin with and hard to remain still in the saddle let alone trying to control the horse at the same time!

    Riding should not be traumatic, and should be made fun.  Once you feel more confident, and start cantering, then try group lessons again, or go out on hacks suited to your current ability.  A short burst of cantering on a hack is easy because the horse will naturally follow the others and you can concentrate on your position!

  3. Have a private lesson, regain your confidence and move on...Good luck Harrysparry...

  4. Get a private assessment with a well qualified instructor - don't put up with being shouted at either - you are a paying client

  5. A private lesson would probably be the best way then you get the personal attention and tuition that you need.  Noone should ever shout at you.  You are paying them remember!!!!

  6. private lessons are best for you at the moment, may be you are not ready for canter yet, so get assessment lesson first, master you trot and balance, and get the teacher to explaine the canter aids to you, if you have balance and the correct techniche then practice it will fall into place for you and you will enjoy the expirence and will want to canter all the time. not all teacher are like yours, so do not give up as riding is the greatest feeling on earth, so happy times ahead, best of luck pitty i dont know you or i would help you have fun xx
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