
Riding Lesson Prices...?

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My barn just raised its lesson prices AGAIN.

I'm trying to get a reading on what the average price of lessons is for you guys at your barns-- should i switch barns, or do i have to buckle down start mucking MORE stalls to afford a lesson?

the current rates are: Private 1/2 hour: $55

Semi-private 1/2 hour: $45

[semi private = 2 people]

And they never let me do groups... i don't know why..

but anyways.. could you tell me (1) If you think these rates are high, low, normal and (2) what the rates are at your barn?





  1. I think that is a lot of money for just a half hour of lessons.

    My barn costs $30 for a semi-private lesson for an hour. (semi-private=1-4 riders)

    The private lessons are $65 for an hour.

  2. Those are a little higher than what I pay. I pay $45 for 45 minutes. I guess it depends on the trainer (his/her experience, if they travel, discipline, etc.)

  3. Okay those prices seem really high but I also ride western

    at the barn where i ride the lessons are $30 for an hour private lesson

  4. lol at my barn all we do is private. 65 for a half an hour.

    if your barn is top notch that's cheap. if it's a regular lesson barn where you go to local shows that's expensive.  

  5. I think there a little high, and i'd never pay that, but then again i dont know where you live.

    At my barn

    1 hour lesson-sometimes runs over by 15 min. costs $35- and its private

    1 hour lesson with 2 people costs $20

    I LOVE HOW CHEAP IT IS, and i learn dressage

  6. at my riding school they dont do semi private u can arrange a class for u and ur frends tho (i dont kno how much)


    private (1hr and a 1/2) : $60

    group (1hr and a 1/2) : $30

  7. well, i think it all depends on where you are and the quality but that does seem pretty high to me, I pay 40 $ CAD for 1 hour private, 30 $ 1 hour semi-private and 25 $ for  group lessons.

  8. last time I looked..I didn't live in a barn...if you do, I'm sorry...

    how about you call all your LOCAL horse places (barns) and ask THEM...not all of the people here in the US live in or near barns or ride horses.

  9. That seems WAY too high. When I took lessons, it was $45 for a private, one hour lesson.

    I think you should consider switching barns if you can find a place that is still a reasonable driving distance away and has more affordable prices.

    Good luck.

  10. I have an instructor that comes to my barn and charges $60/hr and you have to have at least 3 people taking a lesson.  But each persons lesson is private and she drives 60 miles to come over!  I would say that your barns rates are pretty high

  11. yes they went up because of the cost of gas to get hay and food for the horses

    mine are

    New Riders

      Starter Package: This introductory package consists of 4 private x 1/2 hour lessons to prepare the new rider for group lessons. A must for beginners or for riders kicking off the rust after a break from riding.

      Package of 4




    Assessment Lesson: A 1/2 hour private lesson to assess your training needs and help you get acquainted with us on a one-to-one basis.

      Assessment Lesson


       Group Lessons

      Join a group of up to 6 riders to enjoy the fun and camaraderie of learning together in a weekly 1-hour class.

      1 Month



      3 Months



      Beginner Start Up (September - December)



    Private Lessons

      For riders seeking more individual attention for your training needs or to meet your scheduling requirements.

      1 Hour Private



      4 x 1 Hour Privates



      1/2 Hour Private



      4 x 1/2 Hour Privates



      1 Hour Semi-private (2 riders)



      4 x 1 Hour Semi-privates



    Practice Rides

      Enjoy riding and practising on your own.  This is for students only.  Rider must be able to ride safely and independently in trot and canter.

      Practice Ride


  12. way too high my barn only does hour lessons

    private= 55 an hour



    another barn i know is

    70=hour of private

    50=half hour of private

    35=semi and group

  13. Prices just went up for us too.

    45 minute lesson: 45 Dollars

    Semi Private- 35 Dollars

    The worst is the showing fees

    Trailering- Gas plus 20 Dollars

    Trainer- 50 Dollars a day, 30 Dollars for food, and if your the only person showing you have to pay at least 200 Dollars.

    When I ride with my Olympic Coach, its 70 for a semi private, and thats all I do. His clinics are 160 for a private.

  14. i get 20 group lessons (2 sets of 10) for $420... but its a county run stable and groups are large... the private lessons i have been looking at were:

    lowest - $40 1/2 hour

    highest - $70 1/2 hour

    so your sorta in the middle for prices around here... you can try to find cheaper ones

  15. I think that is way to high

    The barn i go to for both private and semi-private it is $25

  16. WAY too high. The rate I usually pay is between $25-$40 for a 1 hour private lesson, and between $25 and $35 for a group lesson. Is your barn really big? Sometimes bigger, more prestigious barns have higher rates

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