
Riding bikes on highways/freeways?

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Is it illegal? I live by a highway called Route 15 and I don't see a sign saying "no" I've seen people do it. I know it's dangerous. I don't care! I've ridden down a hill that's life threatening 1000 times! And by "bike" I mean a manual powered 2-4 wheel bike. No motor. I'm asking this because my dad is always working, my brother's in WV, and I can't afford a taxi! I LIVE IN THE FICKIN' SUBURBS! So my only option at the moment is to go there by myself. I want serious answers. Not "You're insane"




  1. yes you can ride your bike, but you have to wear a helmet and obey all traffic laws, so i would make sure a learn the hand signals for turning and stopping.

  2. Because you mention your father's work in West Virginia, I'm assuming you are referring to US 15 in either Maryland or Virginia.  In Maryland, US 15 is a designated bike route north of MD 26 (just north of Frederick, MD) to the state line with Pennsylvania.  US 15 is restricted by law (no bicycles) from south of MD 26 all the way south of Frederick, MD where it splits with MD 340.  From the split, bicycles are allowed on US 15 to the MD/VA line.  This latter section is legal but has heavy traffic and inadequate shoulders.  Look for parallel back roads if you must travel in this area.  Rule of thumb:  If a highway is limited access (entrance/exit ramps rather than intersections), bicycles are generally not allowed.

    Sorry, I don't have current info on US 15 in Virginia.  A Maryland bicycle map showing designated and restricted routes is available here -


    what you need is here

    take the 3 minutes to read it :]

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