
Riding with my period..?

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ive had my period for over 3 years now so im quiet comfortable wearing pads and/or tampons. but whenever i ride, i get EXTREMELY nervous about leaking. i usually ride with my black breeches during my lessons (so if i ever do leak, it wont be that noticeable). but i use my beige ones for shows. but im so nervous about leaking, especially wearing beige riding pants.

and id like to start wearing my beige ones during my lessons because it looks much nicer and my beige breeches are much more comfortable!

any tips on keeping me "safe"? thanks!




  1. Myself, I'd stick with the black breeches for lessons.  But then, my sister accuses me of being "closet amish" because all of my tack, saddle bags, boots, chaps, hat....are all black.  I like's slimming.  :O)  But anyway.  I'd just make sure that you change and have a fresh tampon in just before your lesson, and, you could wear a pantyliner as added insurance, although I find them derned uncomfortable to wear while riding.

  2. change your tampon right before riding and use the super absorbent ones

  3. well you could use both a tampon and a pad just incase but i know the fealing riding is no fun with a period just try not thinking about it

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