
Right, i have been told Twilight is brilliant but......?

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I don't want to read it and loose my interest of harry potter. My friend has been a dedicated (and obsessive) harry potter fan for years and now she has read twilight she said she has lost interest in hp and it makes harry potter boring which is unfortunate because she has read it since the very beginning.I do reckon that when she see shbp though she will love hp again cause thats what she is like. I dont want to read it and loose interest in hp. Has anyone read hp then twilight but still enjoys hp?

Thanks = ]




  1. I don't suppose reading Twilight made me lose interest in Harry Potter at all. (But for me, Harry Potter was so much more captivating and interesting than that series.) I really think it's good to go out and explore new books though, because (unfortunately) Harry Potter has already hit year seven and the entertainment (movies, games, related books...) surrounding the series can't be drawn out forever. If you really love Harry Potter, you certainly won't end up forgetting about it. Just read any book you feel like reading. You might end up finding a new incredible book/series and develop just as good a relationship with that. Enjoying another book isn't a bad thing...

  2. oh everyone is different. i still love hp after i read twilight, i just love twilight more. i still love to read hp tho. however some people think twilight is not as good as hp, and thats ok, they just like different genres/types of book.

  3. Harry potter is slightly better than twilight in my opinion.

    Twilight gets hype for nothing.

    It's up to you if you like to read Twilight , but i'm sure that you will not lose interest in HP if you are a truly fan of this series.

    Besides these two series cannot compete , because they're different in many ways.

    xx Greetings XD

  4. how can u be afraid of not loving a book you love anymore?

    i love both harry potter and twilight! (but still hp bit more coz it was there first)

    i just hav little phases... like i read hp and then i read twilight... it sort of controls my life... quite sad actually... but i don't care.. i love reading!

  5. sorry but i was converted.


    but i still think you should read it it is a really good book. i do still like harry potter (naturally!) but it just doesn't compare [it just pales in comparison] so yer you should still read twilight... great book.

    but who knows maybe you wont be interested in twilight (sigh) so im sure you will still like harry potter. I never like harry potter THAT much but i did like which was why i easily forgot about it.

    hope that helps ya,


    kails and tora

    nat: wtf?

  6. i read a few of the harry potter books and lost intrest but that was WAY b4 twilight came out. the twilight series is good, but to be honest hp is WAY more intresting than the twilight series.

  7. ive read harry potter....and twilight

    and i love them both soooo much ;)

  8. I love Harry Potter.  It is a great series and it is my favorite series.  Twilight is totally different from Harry Potter, so I don't think it will take the place of Harry Potter for you.  Read Twilight.  You're missing out on a good book.  And if you read Twilight and are starting to feel that Harry Potter is boring, just read a Harry Potter book again, and you'll remember how great the books are.

  9. Don't worry. I read them and didn't lose interest in Harry Potter. I still prefer it

  10. thats the mysterious power of twilight once you read it you can't stop or forget about it... no matter what harry potter will forgive you for taking on new things...

  11. O everyone is different. Don't let your friend keep you from reading a really good series! :) I love both actually. It's your life, so just do what you want. :)

    Now answer mine please! :)

  12. I read Harry Potter WAY before Twilight. And to be honest, even though I'm going to get a lot of thumbs down from Twilighters, I think Twilight is terrible. It was cheesy and unbelieveable and stupid. If you're like me, you may start to appreciate Harry Potter more if you read that garbage.

    Edit: Someone said "harry potter pales in comparison"? Puh-leaze! Some people wouldn't know a good book if it hit them in the face.

  13. Harry Potter is MUCH better than Twilight.  

  14. Harry Potter pales in comparison? please! Twilight is c**p on paper. Its cheesy cliche ad poorly written. No matter how much twilight tries, it will never be as good as HP. Yes, I tried to read Twilight, but its just not a good book. I still remain loyal to HP, but u should try Twilight and judge for yourself. But just look, how can sumthing like "Youre exactly my brand of heroin."(twilight quote) compare to "To the well oranized mind, death is but the next great adventure."(HP quote). HP all the way.  

    Judge for yourself.

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