
Right Wing Christians: What do you think of McCain/Palin '08?

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Considering McCain very possibly would not finish his term, how would you feel having a woman as president? I am well acquainted with many right wing fundamentalist evangelical Christians, and honestly most would not like a woman president... not that most of the ones I know would like one with dark skin, either. Anyway, how do you feel about McCain's choice of Palin and why?




  1. Makes me glad I'm voting for Bob Barr...

  2. If they win...Canada, here I come!

  3. I miss Idle, Cleese, Chapman, Jones and Palin the best.

  4. I think McCain is hardly right wing and I would just like to thank all those evangelicals out there that gave us McCain over a more conservative candidate like Romney just because they couldnt bring themselves to vote for a mormon.

    Thanks a lot people!

    Now I have to hold my nose when I check McCains name since there is no way I could ever vote for someone as liberal as Obama.

    Palin is pretty dang inexperienced, but so is Obama.  Obama has never actually been in a leadership position and Palin has, so which is worse?  Both would be relying heavily on advisors.  Palin just wants the VP spot, though, Obama wants to be Pres.  

    McCain is playing politics with this choice.  It will make me a little more easy about Palin when I hear her speak more about foreign policy, because that is really the area of concern for me when it comes to inexperience.

    I dont like Obamas positions on foreign policy, though, at all.

    Palin is right wing on a lot of issues that really have nothing to do with the presidency or the fed gvt.  They are really not my top priorities.  

    My top priorities are taxes, border control, judges, foreign policy and energy and so I am looking at those issues from the McCain/Obama perspective.  The VPs are secondary.  

    If Palin had to take over the presidency she would be surrounded by more conservative advisors in these areas.  I would rather it be more right wing White House than left.  Obama is just so left.  

    It really didnt matter to me who McCain picked as VP because I could never support Obamas policies.

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