
Right and wrong?

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is right and wrong judged only by our actions.....or is there something ourself and our thoughts ......which may or maynot be right in the world.....can you give your opinions...thanks




  1. I think it's by our actions like you can't be considered either one until you carry out what you have thought. So yeah, by what we do.

  2. Actions are outcome of your thoughts only! But thoughts are based on the knowledge and experience one gains in life in association with family and the society at large! So, social upbringing is the most essential for the character to cast which is fundamental in having fine thinking for acceptable good action by all!

  3. right or wrong are decided on basis of actions while right or wrong person is judged on basis of his intention

  4. Our thoughts, because most of us THINK before we act; and we think about why, how, when, is this right or wrong etc.

    xD Soul.

  5. If you are a kid, & not very good at doing things, it's the thought that counts.

    If you are an adult, you're d**n right it's your actions that matter.

    So yes.  You are judged by your actions.

  6. First of all, in the moment, this is when our lives are unfolding and in a sense that is all that our lives really are. So it is important to understand that there is no right or wrong. It simply is what it is.

    What we can do in the moment is limited, but it must begin with being aware of as much of the moment as possible and then to see what is possible and what is not. If we know ourselves, and the essence of who we are, then we will be able to instantly recognize what we must do to fulfill who we are.

  7. i think knowing right or wrong is common sense.Ü

  8. Right and wrong words or actions are determined by the practices and norms of a society, as well as being laid out as rules and  laws.

    For example, the use of obscene words or offering violence through the use of fists, knives or guns is wrong. When you knock down  a pedestrian with your car and run off, you are wrong and guilty of such action. So also are acts of molest, stealing, burglary, threatening, vandalism, burning or disfiguring the nation's flag, etc.

    There are many rules at school, office and in the public. To keep out of trouble, one really has to be aware of the regulations to avoid being expelled, fired or prosecuted in a court of law, Life is tough in  a modern and civilized society, but then this is the reality. To go against all norms is to become an outcast, a rebel. And that can be really sad. :-(
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