
Right hand tingling..after injuring left shoulder help!!!.....?

by  |  earlier

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tingling in right hand, I think it is from overcompesating for a shoulder injury..what could it be?

injured my Left rotator cuff and it is still sore but getting a little better. I still very real dull pain in the cuff but strength is returning. In the meantime my right hand has started tingling when i grab or move to things....what is it ???




  1. sounds like a nerve in your neck. try ice on it  for swelling and see if it helps

  2. Could be a whole combination of things.  I would recommend going to see a good chiropractor or musculoskeletal doc.  It is fairly common for a rotator cuff strain to eventually cause tingling into the same arm due to swelling of the tendons as they run over the group of nerves in you shoulder called the brachial plexus.  This is called impingement syndrome.  When it happens on the opposite side, it is a little more difficult to figure out.  It could be compensation of certain motions, but it could also indicate that you have problems as high as your neck where the nerves exit, and where some muscles attach, which may be being over used because you're overcompensating.  It also depends somewhat where the tingling is radiating to.  There are 3 main nerves in your hand, so if it is your pinky and that side of your hand, it could be a problem in your elbow area.  If it is in your thumb and first finger it could be in your wrist, and possibly a carpal tunnel type problem, if it is on the back of your hand, it could be entrapment further up in your arm.  Any of these could also be due to inflamed tendons in your forearm if the tingling just starts in your hand.  Good luck

  3. i just recovered from prett much the same thing you might have pinched a nerve and it sorta makes your hand feel like its falling asleep right? just try to rest it and nmot use it to much i know it sucks you cant play for a while but it will really help cuz if you keep playing youll make it worse.. i did that lol its not fun

  4. The tingling in your hand shows that a nerve is being compressed. It could be from overusage of musculature. This happens a lot when a lefty gets a broken arm and is forced to use their right. The muscles in the right are not used to the level of activity and begin to tighten as a stress reaction. This in turn can cause compression on the nerves radiating from C1-C7 in the upper spine. The best thing to do is tell your doctor and get referral to a neurologist to make sure that nothing major is happening. After an MRI or CT scan he may recommend something as simple as a massage and some time in a hot tub or even time with a physical therapist. Be careful..... get it checked out.

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