
Right now, at this very moment, are you happy?

by  |  earlier

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I'm curious to know what emotion(s) you're currently experiencing right now, and why? Put it into context for me. Honesty is a virtue.




  1. Yes, irt is about 74 degrees out. I just took my dogs for a walk. There is not reason to be mad... i had a great day at school and have no homework!! This day could not get any batter. So yes, i would say that i am happy

  2. i am content. i have faced things this year that brought me to my lowest, and i have experienced things that brought me to my highest. currently, i am in between, maybe slightly more towards happy. i have a computer, i have a couch, i have a cat, and i have my pepsi. what more could i want at this moment?

  3. im a little stiff and tired from taekwondo, but yes im happy, im talking to the girl i love and i feel things are great with us. :)

  4. I would say im in a pretty good mood, i decided to skip out on class today, and my tax return is finally here so i can pay for those classes i just skipped.  i think i just ruined my own mood.

  5. No. I'm disappointed. Just about all my friends forgot my birthday :( . They suck. I feel betrayed because I want to talk about it, and how it sucks, but my closest friends even forgot. So I guess I feel a little lonely as well as betrayed. That's how I really feel right now.

  6. I'm in a pretty good mood. My feet hurt from walking in heels all day and I'm really tired from my day at school, but overall I'm alright.

  7. Oh yeah - I just read a note from one of my dearest friends - she has a way of making me feel better.  I think everyone should have a friend like that.

  8. Very happy. Calm and peaceful. Beautiful day.  And lots of nice people on answers !

  9. Is anyone ever *truly* happy? No.

    But that's life, we have to take all good things and joyous

    moments that happen to us as a blessings and miracles.

    For me? No. But I do feel a little better seeing someone wants to know if everyone else is doing well, rather than themselfs.

    You have a good one,


  10. It's almost 5 and that alone makes me very happy!

  11. I'm Thankful but not Happy. My family has a roof over their heads,Food to survive,and each other. This out weighs the Numerous doctor's visits due to poor health and the lack of fun. I'm looking forward to being Happy,Content and silly again.

  12. I'm very happy :)

    I'm talking to my friend who is awesome and we are going to do a music duet in July or something and are talking about.

    He also makes me laugh.

  13. Little bit annoyed actually. Was ambushed 5 years early for a tetanus jab and therefore need another one now. Generally happy though- spring is in the air.

  14. no... not happy

  15. Yes I'm happy.

    I'm content with the way things are in my life.

    I'm healthy and I am loved by my family.   What else could one ask for?

  16. Boredom. I just went shopping for four hours and now my mom is too tired to do anything else, and none of my friends are on AIM. I don't have school this week, and I'm too lazy to read. I guess I'm just waiting for people to answer my question, but that's boring.

  17. No - ive eaten too much chocolate (again) and feel fat and guilty.

  18. No! My mind is rarely at rest. I have far too many emotions and thoughts going on at once to be happy and at the moment I have a lot of concerns and insecurities regarding my relationship and the direction my life will take.

  19. Yes I am, I just read an answer someone wrote to a person asking why people were so rude when answering question here. He gave such a profound and kind answer, that with him being what i think was a young person, made this 51 year old feel not all young people are bitter and resentful and that makes me very happy...grow where you're planted.

    And oh my goodness, we should all be as lucky as Hilly, too funny.

  20. No, I am not happy.

    Im not sad, either.

    I ate like 500 calories in the last 5 minutes./

    So I feel fat.

    When I don't feel attractive

    I don't feel happy.

    How about you??

  21. I am very skint (poor) and struggling to pay the mortgage.  I work long hours everyday and so I am feeling very down in the dumps and tired.  I have to keep a brave face on things as I can't afford to be out of a job so I go into work in a chirpy and friendly nature but then I feel sad beacuse I feel like I am living two lives and lying to those who I work with as they don't really know hoe I feel.  I try to keep my spirits up by focusing on things that make me happy like my lovely Wife and Children and things I enjoy like sport (particularly football) but it's tough.  That's as honest as I can be.

  22. I am tired and at work so I am a bit miserable.

  23. no, im hardly happy.

  24. happy because I'm tan and I was playing with my daughter but annoyed at the same time, I hate mynieghbor and she is outside.

  25. i'm happy because i'ts a nice day, nothing to bother me right now, and i don't have a lot of homework so i can go biking later! (also feeling regular, relaxed, calm)

  26. At this moment I am not happy.  I really want to be traveling right now instead of being at home for the summer.  Traveling makes me very happy because I am out of my day to day elements and experiencing new things.

  27. yes, right now I am happy. I just took a refreshing walk. I have been battling anxiety and depression so the walk perked me up. Sometimes it's so hard to leave the house.

    Are you happy?

  28. ok

    well i have a lot of feelings going on with me, i feel depressed cause i have been talking to my mom. Im bored, and well i feel lonely. :(

  29. Im not that happy because im really sick in the stomach. BLEH!!!!

  30. Not really.

    My teenage daughter is'unreasonable' lately.


    (Are YOU happy? Hope so...)

  31. I am not so happy.

    my lips are feeling so dry and i have sore throat. my ipod isn't charged and i can't listen to any music right now =(

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