
Right of way question at stop lights?

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When both cars have a green light and there is a car going left and another car going right, who has the right of way? Basically, we both had green lights, this other lady takes a left turn while I take a right, thinking that she will keep her car in the other lane. We both stop, she gestures rudely, I beep and pass. So basically, who has the right of way?

I know that a person who needs to turn left has to yield when there is a driver that needs to go straight. Is it the same for the person turning left if someone is turning right?

The state I live in is New Hampshire if it helps.

Thank you!




  1. Left always has to yield to the person going straight or right.  

  2. basically both of you has to yield because both are turning to each corners but in a situation that you get confused as a rule of thumb always give the other person the right of way.

  3. Most probably she has to wait until the car which is going strait has passed. But in this way, you are coming for her from the right side and you have the right of way. No question at all.


  4. right turn always has the right of way.

  5. Out here in California we expect each car to turn into its own lane. The "lady" would be expected to keep to her inside land after turning, allowing you to enjoy your lane without disturbance.

    But, a significant percentage of the population manages to get a license to drive, in SPITE of their inability to possess common sense...

    "Drive Defensively" was coined because of these dunces.

  6. the one turning right always has the right of way.  

  7. The person going right

  8. The right hand turn, you, had the right of way. You'd be amazed how many "drivers" out there don't know the rules.

  9. You had the right of way. People are idiots and need to learn the rules of the road. It would save so much time instead of gesturing back and forth about what person's turn it is.

    Left always yields to people either turning right or going straight. Unless it was an all-way stop, that's the only time there's an exception.

    Or if they had an advance and you were turning right on a red. Then you would have been in the wrong.

    This is assuming New Hampshire has the same laws as Ontario.

    EDIT: Katydint is right too though, if it was a road with two lanes going the same direction, you would turn right into the outside lane, and she could turn left into the inside lane. If you turned right into the inside lane then you would be at fault, or vice-verse if she turned into the outside lane.

  10. I'm a little confused by your description, but if the two of you initially were traveling in opposite directions and you're both turning onto the same street, going the same way, you had the right of way. A car turning left always has to yield to other traffic - unless there's an arrow.

    If she was turning on an arrow and you were turning right on red, the situation would be a little different. But as you say the light was green for both of you, you had the right of way.

    Go find her and give her her rude gesture back!

  11. the person going right has the right of way.  it goes in this order- straight, then right, then left.  left ppl always have to yield unless they have an arrow.

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