The Case is Jan LightfootLane v. State of Maine and towns. I am Jan - No so far the Main stream media hopes with out attention to this will go away.-
It case 1:07 cv 53, in Bangor US District Court,George Z. Fingal is the leader of the pack of judges or what ever term for the "Brethren of Injustice".
The address is PO Box 1007 Bangor ME. 04402.
I am 56 years old and since I was a kid I have the right to be treated by duly enacted law TRASHED when it comes the rights of the underpaid. Most people I know earn $11 an hour or much less. Not enough to pay rent.
Anyhow the case is simply does the government have the right for their bad actions to make my work as a Homeless Hotline operator More difficult?
But the Court seems willing to side step the issue They refused jurisdiction last year. I applied on the cases, since last year. The "Court of Public Opinion" is needed. The only thing about the War is why does USA Fight when millioion Amer. lack freedom to be heard?