
Right to bear arms?

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Do you believe you are safer having guns outlawed? If so, do you not understand that this would only take the weapons out of your hands and not the criminals? After all, they are criminals....they don't obey the laws!

Do you believe a police force of a couple hundred can protect a city of a couple hundred thousand?! Do you not believe it is your RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to protect yourself, loved ones and property?!?!




  1. You make a good argument.  Unfortunately the response that would cause you to change your opinion is lengthy.  Also, your view is not supported by facts.  

    Generally, the more guns in the hands of the public/crooks, the more gun crimes there will be.

  2. I live in UK anad have come to this in error. For most of us handguns are illegal and rifles are quite difficult ot get a permit for. However there are manyillegal guns in the country which are used for crime. I may be wrong but I have hheard that many injuries with guns in US are caused by accident. Perhaps proper and ridged training in weapons handling my be a better idea. Having said that I have aalways felt uncomfortable around anyone who wants to carry a gun except for a specific purpose

  3. I believe the U.S. needs to reconsider the regulations to ownership of weapons.

    Fully automatic, and some semi automatic weapons, should be banned.  They are manufactured not for the use of self defense or sport hunting

    Every person should have the right to own a "defense" weapon, such as a pistol and hunting weapons for sport.

  4. It is the right of the American citizen to own and have in there

    home a hand gun, Shot gun Rifle etc. As long as they meet

    the proper requirements to do so. In this society today, we can

    not rely on police response alone. With Budgets taking

    beatings all over the country. Services are being cut back.

    And yes this means police protection. So it is incumbent

    on the family to find ways to self defend themselves, until

    the Calvary can arrive. Hand Guns in the home in reachable

    conditions work. As long as you have the response time to

    get to the weapon. So you can't rely on the weapon alone You need a early warning system. of some kind. Once alerted

    you need to move you family to a designated safe room.

    Position yourself in a good shoot position, give your self

    prime target location. If your subject enters your plain of

    view.  Breathe carefully and slowly. If the individual is armed.

    And poses the threat, Don't stop firing till you hear the click..

    Put all your shots in the PK zone. Draw a box from below the

    neck to just above the abdomen. Put all your rounds inside

    that box. Once that is done Reload. Do not hesitate, Reload.

    Wait until police arrive. When they arrive on scene. Clear,

    and ground your weapon. You have the right to use deadly

    force to repel the threat of your our your familys lives. Once

    that threat is ended, You know longer have the right to use

    deadly force, Percived threat. is the catalyst, armed or

    unarmed if your assailant puts you in fear of your life.

    You have the right to use deadly force.

  5. There is an indisputable right to own firearms in this country and we're better off for it.  All the legitimate studies have proven beyond any debate that ALL crime goes down when more citizens own firearms.  ALL the legitimate studies show that criminals have more fear of armed citizens than they do of armed police.  For those who want fully automatic firearms banned,  please cite where a LEGALLY owned (since the passage of the NFA 34) "machine gun" has EVER been used in a crime by it's lawful owner.

  6. I lived in a country where civilian ownership of guns was illegal.  I felt completely safe, even walking the streets of the capital city in the small hours of the morning.

    I don't really accept that gun ownership makes society safer.

    However, as we saw in Bowling for Columbine, it is odd just how many Americans kill each other and injure themselves with fire arms.  In other countries that have easy access to guns, the amount of gun crime is astonishingly low compared to America.  So the bigger question is, what's with all the killing?

  7. Even if guns were outlawed, they would still find their way into this country through our unprotected borders. And when nobody is protected, the gunman can kill who ever he wanted until the police arrived. Look at Katrina. The only way the businesses protected their stuff was to sit inside with a gun.

  8. As a retired Police officer, I have to agree with Chief Scouts assessment of the situation.  

    For 20+ years, I looked into the mirror before leaving for work each and every day and said "I WILL BE HOME TONIGHT."

    Now that meant that whatever it took, I would win the confrontation, by whatever means was necessary.

    I even had my defense line in place. When asked by investigators, other officers, judges, or a jury, "Why did you feel it necessary to put 6,12,18 rounds into the deceased? My answer would have been, "Because, that's all the bullets, I had and he/she finally stopped moving."

    Thank God, and  good training, that was one scenario that never was played.

    And yes, it is every citizens Right and Responsibility to protect themselves and loved ones or property, at least until the  authorities arrive and can gain control. It's sad to say but there are too few officers to provide the protection needed by so many citizens. Part of the problem is they have to spend far too much time on paperwork, because the citizens they are sworn to protect are far too anxious to find something to sue them for. I would like to see a public list of people who sue the police posted so that when they call for assistance, they will be referred to their lawyers instead of the police.

  9. Keep your hands off my weapons or i will be sure to give you what is in them first..........retired police officer that believes in defending home and family ( I will not be a Willing victim )

  10. Jamaica,  The murder capital of the world, has the strictest gun control laws in the world, only the police and the military can have guns, and very few of the police.


    stampcollector13 - Where has a gun ban EVER decreased, let alone ended the rate of crimes in which a gun is used?  Look at the UK, before their gun control was started they counted the number of years per murder, and watched as the murder rate went up with each new gun control law.

    Mushie and roadhazzards -  There have been four murders committed with LEGALLY owned 'machine guns', ALL FOUR were committed AFTER the 1986 ban on the further manufacture/import of 'machine guns' for the common people.

    THAT alone should tell you the effect of bans on the murder rate, the ban was imposed and the murder rate went up from NOTHING.
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