
Right to see his child?

by  |  earlier

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A friend has an ex moving to Africa and he has decided to move there too. But his ex tells him that he will not have access to see his child. Are there any international laws, which can be enforceable even in an African jurisdiction granting children to have the right to see their parents and vice versa? There is currently no formal agreement on child custody and thus he does not get to see his child as often as possible.






  1. He needs to get in the courts right away.  He can stop her from going, or at the very least get it in writting that he gets visitation.  Tell him NOT to wait to go today.  GOod luck

  2. Depending on the age of the child. The child will have its own right to decide who he/she wants to live with or see. He should also go to the courts and he should be able to see the child.

  3. 1 is right. Tell him to go to the Office Of The Attorney General Child Support Division. And file for custody rights. He needs to make sure to tell them what she is doing. Sometime they move fast and sometimes they move really slow. So hurry! Do it today if possible.

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