1) When Kosovo declared its independence in February 2008, the President of the US and most European leaders supported its stance. Their main argument was the Kosovar Albanians' right to self-determination, disregarding Serbia's right to protect her territorial integrity.
- "Sooner rather than later you've got to say enough's enough. Kosovo's independent."- George Bush at a press conference in Tirana.
2) South Ossetia wants to seccede from Georgia and become independent/unite with North Ossetia. The President of the US and European leaders back Georgia which seeks to protect her territorial integrity, while disregarding the Ossetian people's right to self-determination.
- Cheney's spokeswoman Lea Ann McBride said the vice president spoke to Saakashvili to express "the United States' solidarity with the Georgian people and their democratically elected government in the face of this threat to Georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity."
What do you think? Why can the Kosovar Albanians proclaim independence and the South Ossetians are prevented from doing so? Or, alternatively: Why does Georgia have a right to protect her territorial integrity but Serbia doesn't?
Thanks in advance.
PS I'm not Kosovar Albanian, Serbian, Ossetian, Georgian or Russian.