
Right turn red light with Camera?

by  |  earlier

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I live in (orange county , CA) today i was heading to school in a road I don't normally take to school, and i happen to be in the right turn lane to go onto the road leading to the freeway on ramp. I was unable to really see the traffic light, and as i came up to it I noticed as i made my turn into the lane it was yellow, and then immediately red, i was unable to do a stop so I for the most part rolled through the turn at most at 10 mph, and i did not see a flash of light, although it would have occurred without me seeing it, correct? so my question is that would i receive a ticket for that, and if so what would the time frame for a ticket to arrive at my home?




  1. Yes and No, you will have to wait for the mail and it usually takes between 7 to 10 days....

  2. The camera does not turn on until the light turns red.  If you were in the intersection while it was yellow you will not get a ticket.  The cameras are also usually designed to allow for a .5 second delay before they start to photographs.  The camera will then take at least two pictures of the car.  The tickets are also not automatically sent out by computer, they have to be checked by a person before the ticket is issued.  It is hard to say if you got the ticket or not, but you are allow to contest the ticket in court and I would recommend that you do so if you get it.  State that it was safer to go through the intersection than to stomp on your breaks and possibly cause a rear-end crash.

  3. If the light turned red while you were in the process of turning right, nothing should happen to you. I live in Ma. and you can turn right on a red light after coming to a complete stop. You can't turn right on red if there is a sign saying no right on red.

  4. theres a fifty fifty chance.

  5. no

  6. sometimes these red light cameras malfunction and take pictures when they aren't supposed to.  If you do recieve a ticket in the mail within one month.  You can challenge it if you have the time.  Sometimes the contracts with photo enforced lights expire and you never recieve a ticket because they no longer work for the city you are in.

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