
Rights in democracy?

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What are some of the rights you have in democracy??

For example, people have a right to be treated fairly and respectfully.




  1. I don't think a democracy means you have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully, because these are relative issues.

    I recommend you read the constitution for a good start.  I also would recommend that President Bush do the same.

  2. Just because you have a democracy, doesn't mean you have any rights beyond the right to vote.

    Just as because you have a communist state, doesn't mean you are without rights.

    Most democracies do give their people a large number of rights and freedoms, such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion ,a right to life etc. but this is mainly because of the democratic process. However, just because you have one, doens't mean you have the other....

  3. Democracy is a system of government by which political sovereignty is retained by the people and exercised directly by citizens. There are two principles that any definition of democracy is required to have. The first principle is that all members of the society have equal access to power and the second that all members enjoy universally recognised freedoms and liberties.

    In a democratic society, majority rule must be coupled with guarantees of individual human rights that, in turn, serve to protect the rights of minorities--whether ethnic, religious, or political, or simply the losers in the debate over a piece of controversial legislation. The rights of minorities do not depend upon the goodwill of the majority and cannot be eliminated by majority vote. The rights of minorities are protected because democratic laws and institutions protect the rights of all citizens.


    Sovereignty of the people.

    Government based upon consent of the governed.

    Majority rule.

    Minority rights.

    Guarantee of basic human rights.

    Free and fair elections.

    Equality before the law.

    Due process of law.

    Constitutional limits on government.

    Social, economic, and political pluralism.

    Values of tolerance, pragmatism, cooperation, and compromise.
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