OK, before I became pregnant, I selected my ring bearer, my cousin's son. Now that I found out I'll be having a little boy a little less then 2 months before the wedding I realize I should I have two ring bearers: my cousin's son and my son(my son will be carried down by my husband, but in the program it will state Brian Anthony____, Jr. Ring Bearer".
But when I told my cousin that she said "No! You can't do that! You asked Kole to be the ring bearer and he will be the ONLY one!". I mentioned it was my wedding and she said "Well it's KOLE'S day to be in the spotlight." I pretty much lost it and yelled "You b****! This is my day and MY spotlight!" and she yelled "You had your chance the first time, but that ended in divorce!" I just hung up. Now she called her mom (my aunt)and yelled about me to her, but my aunt wouldn't listen. And now she yelled at her dad(my uncle)and he's calling me a bridezilla. My cousin also called me a w*h**e and said that my son was probably someone else's! My fiance doesn't believe it, but I'm still mad. I try to talk calmly about it with her, but she just gets mad. She's trying to turn the whole family agansit me. Everyone's tried to talk to her, but she doesn't listen.