
Ring worms in between legs for 1 year?

by  |  earlier

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The ring worm formed in between my legs will be cured, it had been since an year, i didn't go to any doctor it enlarged and became black over that area fully couls any one please tell me to get rid of this.




  1. Looks like it developed into something more serious then ring worm.

    Go to your doctor ASAP and have it looked at. It might pose a serious risk to your health.

  2. Blue Star Ointment will take care of ringworm.  It's an OTC medicine and can be found in most drug stores.  Read the testimonials at this site:

  3. Check this site out !!!??

    Keep cool, dry, and clean to avoid a ringworm infection. Yes, because it's a fungal infection, ringworm can be avoided by staying clean and dry. Don't wear heavy clothing that doesn't breathe well for very long, and whatever you do, don't forget to wear flip-flops in the shower if you live in a dormatory. Ringworm thrives in warm, humid places, so it's best to avoid them or at least protect yourself if you can't avoid them. Oh, and wash your hands!  

    Lamisil is a common antifungal cream used to get rid of ringworm. You've seen the commercials. Thank the lord we have things like antifungal creams. As I mentioned before, ringworm, or the fungus that causes it, is quite closely related to athlete's foot. Thus, anything that will cure the tinea that causes athlete's foot should cure your average ringworm infection.  

    Monistat-Derm is another common antifungal topical lotion used to cure ringworm. Unbeknownst to a majority of men, Monistat isn't just for vaginas anymore. Monistat actually makes a pretty good antifungal skin cream that can help wipe out a ringworm infection in less than three weeks. It is suggested that any over-the-counter topical antifungal medicine be applied to the rash 2 times a day for at least 3 weeks to ensure adequate treatment.  

    I don't know if I'd do this, but apparently spreading bleach over a ringworm infection with a Q-tip is a common treatment. Quite a few people I've talked to say that using bleach on a ringworm infection will clear it right up. The problem is, you'll get two different descriptions of what it feels like to put bleach on a skin infection; you'll either hear that it "sort of stings," or that it "really, really strings." Wrestlers who don't have time for creams and ointments swear by this method. Of course, that might have been the concussions talking.

  4. gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    You need to see a doctor

  5. Go to a doctor


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