
Rinsing with salt water after wisdom tooth out?

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How hard should I be swishing? I want to make sure I'm getting the area clean, but I'm afraid of getting a dry socket from swishing too hard so I just basically let the water sit in my mouth lol but i'm sure that didn't do much good. I just got my tooth out yesterday so today is my first day of salt water...also how often? My oral surgeon's instruction sheet wasn't very informative.




  1. I have been rinsing at least three times a day.  I gently swish the salt water back and forth after letting it sit for a minute.  It really helps with getting any food particles etc. out of the socket.  I rinse after I eat and before bed.  Generally ends up being around 5 times a day.  Good luck with your healing!  Feel better soon!

  2. I didn't swish it. I just moved my head back and forth with my mouth shut. I always did it when i woke up and went to bed. Also i was  told after every meal

  3. You shouldn't have to swish hard at all. If you have a medicine dropper/syringe, that will help with reaching the area too.  I'd say that swishing twice a day would be sufficient.  

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