
Rio Vacation?

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I want to go to RIO for a vacation. I need to know is it real dangerous. Where are the best Disoteques and Beaches to go to. Are the Women there a cool as people say they are and Would they even like to party with a husky black dude like me.




  1. in every country, there are stereotypes like that. there are girls who are plain ugly, and there are beautiful girls. DO NOT bring any jewerly, watches, dont show your wallet, because you will get robbed and possibly kidnapped if you do, especially if they tell you are a tourist. just telling you the facts. dont show up with an arrogant attitude, respect our culture, be nice like our people are and you will be fine. there are crossdressers, so watch out. and if a kid wants some money or asks you for something, you should just walk past them because they will rob you. no joke. watch out for the favelas (slums) where they are the most dangerous places in the world. the "Rocinha" is one of north and south america and its located in rio. this is even more dangerous than wars around the world so make sure you dont get in one

    and watch this video and "The City of God" which is said to be one of the best movies ever by many critics

    the movie

    Brasil, just like the rest of the world love our futebol (soccer), and it would be a good idea to know some stuff about it before you go. the Brasilian national team:

    and if you want, you could visit the Maracana, the worlds 2nd largest stadium where Flamengo and Fluminense play. thats it

  2. Hey Mikee, I will help you.

    In Rio, the best beaches are: Ipanema and Copacabana. The city of Paraty is very beautiful, it has beautiful beaches and is close to the Rio would be nice you go there. I don't know about the Disoteques.

  3. Rio is a beautiful city, nice landscape, loud people, s**y girls... Just be careful with prostitutes and transvestites in Copacabana and with the g**s in Ipanema at night. Besides the normal tourist program *Corcovado, Pao de Acucar, you should go to the following beaches Ipanema, Copacabana, Leblon and Barra da Tijuca, Recreio e Prainha. You should certainly go to Bracarense Bar *Leblon, late afternoon program, the place was appointed by NYTimes as the best bar in Brazil, its a traditional boteco carioca, meaning a very informal bar with tables on the sidewalk and people drinking caipirinhas and cold beers and having some snacks.

    You should also go to Porcao Churrascaria, its a barbecue place, where you will have all you can eat meet and salads, with a magnificent post card view, go for lunch there.

    Nightclubs you will have no problem to find, just don/t know what you like or your age and stuff, reason why I will not just recommend you something i like, as it might not be your stile. You can definitely ask someone you meet, its very easy to meet brazilian people and they normally like to help you to get around. if you have the chance go to one Ensaio de Escola de Samba, that is the training for the carnival parade.

    Attention with the taxi drivers, try not to pick one from the street, if possible always call a cab.

    Last but not least, being dark in Rio de Janeiro is not a proble m, lots of afrobrazilians there and the regular carioca is also quite tanned. Its even less dangerous if you dont look like gringo. Have a good trip.

  4. Rio is one of the most beautiful cities to visit!

    I'm not brazilian I just love brazil

    You should go to ipanema

    it's not too dangerous, remember there are fabelas which is the place where poor people live and there are lots of drug dealers but also normal people that is hardworking. Just remember not to accept anything from strangers, don't go with expensive things, don't go with a big photo camera, don't be out on a dark street alone at 3am. Don't take any taxi, cos' not all are legal, take cabs in the hotel entrence or ask in the information's desk of the airport how to identify iligal cabs,

    You can take the bus it's safe, and the funny thing is that there the bus drivers go faster than the cars, strange but cool!

    Well I'm a women, but let me tell you men and women there have awesome bodies and they are really friendly people with excelent mood! They love carnavals, music and dancing, so how could they be upset?!

    The weather is perfect and so is the fruit.

    And they don't care about the color, many black people live there, also white and asian so don't worry, that's what I like about brazilians they only care about having a good time.
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