
Rising fastball? myth or fact?

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has anyone seen a 90 plus MPH fastball actually rise? if you throw one with enough top spin on the center of the ball does it have a chance to do that? I've seen some fast-pitch underhand softball pitches do it but thats most likly with spin. so, do you think it actually hops or does it just have so much speed combined with arm angle and trajectory that it stops sinking as much? considering the pitchers releases the ball about 5 feet higher than the catcher catches it?




  1. some 4 seam fastballs tend to rise a little bit.  nothing extreme like a rise ball in softball.  a couple inches at the most.  you have to have a hose to make it do that though.  only caught about 2 people that could do it.

  2. Softball pitchers do use a pitch called the rise ball that does actually rise. It has been tested and proven that a fastball cannot rise.

  3. The Rising fastball thery is a myth. In softball the way they throw from under makes it rise but in baseball it cant.

    The amount of backspin keeps the ball up and to make the ball rise enough you must have lots of backspin

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