
Rising food prices... Rampant malnutrition... Yet Europe STILL says no to "Misshapen Veggies"?

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Bent cucumbers? With prices up, EU won't bin them

Am I the last lucid person in the world? We have people on earth dieing of starvation and yet Europe actually makes farmers destroy fruit and veg that don't meet some random Aesthetic Standard?


How can stupid laws and 'rules' like this still be in place in the world?

Do you think they will pull their heads from their bum long enough to veto such retardation?




  1. they will soon enough.

  2. It is indeed absolutely crazy. That's the EU all over though. Scary.

  3. I'm afraid thats the EU all over the back, they come up with stupid rules and regulations, or 'directives' as they call them, yet the mainland countries in europe seem to impliment them with a sort of 'yeah yeah' approach, it's only us stupid Brits who carry them out to the letter and enforce them rigidly, you're right, the amount of real issues out there that are glossed over, and not really bothered with and they're more worried about the diameter of a seville orange!

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