
Rising fuel costs?

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Hi, now we all know that fuel is on the increase and the companies who produce the oil must be making billions, not to mention our governments. Some say they are worried about it running out so putting the price up means they will just make more money in less time. Personally I can't cut down on my fuel I work 55 miles from my house so cannot get on a bus, even if one was available cannot go by train or car share

For years I remember when oil goes up so too does the price of petrol and diesel. Does anyone remember when diesel was actually less than petrol. Obviously at this time diesel was not as popular as petrol although lorries have always run on diesel, petrol cars used to be more popular. Here in the UK diesel is now 15p per litre more expensive than petrol. Why is this. Could it have something to do with the fact that diesel cars are on average 25% more fuel efficient and sales of new diesel cars are up to 30% more than petrol

If we all buy LPG cars how much will that go up




  1. Well, the silver lining to higher oil prices is that other fuels start to be more competitive.  I think its going to be a long time before we completely run out.  But prices are going to continue to climb.

    A lot of us will be driving cars running on LPG, LNG etc. including liquified coal gas.  

    On diesel I think it has to do with refining process.  Diesel is less refined than gasoline but in the U.S. the percentage of refining capacity dedicated to diesel production is very limited so that as demand for diesel has increased the cost has went up, its more expensive than high octane in the US I understand in Europe they've always used a higher percentage of diesel and the price differential is not as great.  

    Also don't forget all the environmental regulations associated with the "new" diesel.  That is an impact as well, plus in the US and I'm sure in Europe there is a higher tax on diesel since most of it is used for trucks, or do you say lorries?

  2. Fuel prices are composed of several parts,

    1-the actual cost of raw material, -crude oil, determined by the international market.

    2-Cost of refining Diesel used to be cheaper because there was less demand and it cost a lot to convert it into petrol, LPG is cheaper because it is a natural component of crude, and also easily made from heavy less valuable parts of crude by cracking, but with a limited market. So as more LPG is used its price goes up.

    3-Government taxes, this depends on your government. In some countries the government actually subsidizes the price of fuel, in others 70%+ of the price at the pump is taxes.

    4-Cost of transport of the fuel to your location. We pay very high prices for LPG here for instance because of that, 2-3 times petrol price!

    For example in Australia, to encourage people to convert to LPG and CNG taxes on these fuels are much lower than on Petrol and Diesel.

    But if you live 55miles from work not only are you spending a lot on fuel bills, (You could cut down by changing to a motor bike or other smaller vehicle by the way) but a large amount of your time. Don't you have better things to do with your time than sit in a car for hours every day? I know I do! I cannot afford to spend so much time every day when I could be using it to be with my family, enjoying myself etc. Move closer to work or find a job closer to where you live or move part of work to home ie just go to work a few times do the rest from home. Never mind the cost of fuel to get to and from work, what fraction of your life is being used up in this traveling? Rethink your lifestyle.

    For almost my entire working life I have been within walking distance of my place of work (mostly less than 10 minutes walk) Only for a short time of 5 years did I need to drive to work and then it was just 15 minutes in peak hour. And I resented that!

    When at Uni I used to have a 2 hour commute on public transport/walking, decided then that that was not the way I wanted to spend my life. Now I live just 60metres from my office and as there is no road between I have to walk.

  3. Of course, there's always the Horse!  It uses no fossil fuels and is environmentally friendly!  And it produces a saleable by-product, too! Since you pay no taxes to central or local government, it must be increasingly competitive with a motor vehicle- so why not?

    Admittedly, a horse has its limitations, but it is an option for some, and maybe we should look again at this 4-footed friend!  And of course, the same applies to ponies and donkeys- both of which could and do contribute in similar ways!

    So if Oil prices continue to rise, perhaps we should reconsider entering once more a world now almost forgotten, where horses rule!  And why not?  Gee-Gees are lovely!

  4. i think we all need to stop buying from the main chains of gas stations. like exxon and mobil. if we all stop doing that they will be forced to lower the prices and if enough people do that it will make a change. there are so many other stations we could buy gas from besides the major ones. its hard enough living and buying groceries and putting clothing on our childrens back now we have to deal with the fact we cant even hardly afford to make it to the stores to buy these things. its outragous. and it sickens me that our government allows this to happen to good hard working americans. it think we have pieces of **** in office trying to run our country and we all can do our parts in doing something to stop it

  5. The price of energy, in particular fossil fuel, is historically high and seems set to increase. Fuel bills - whether for the home or for the car - take up an ever-increasing proportion of people's budgets.

  6. LPG would be good .. but hard to get LPG

    CNG is good.... But hard to get CNG

    By-fuel cars are really cool...still hard to get the alternative fuel

    flex - fuel is ok but still hard to find the alternative fuel

    hybrid cars are great but conversion to add plug in ability is costly and voids warranties. (where are the mass produced electric cars like GM's Volt)

    one alternative that is gaining ground in the USA is 4 day work weeks to cut fuel expense
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