
Rising gas prices?

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who's fault do you think it is of rising gas prices? And did you know it's like $10.00 im Europe!!?




  1. Well even under develped countries have been paying similar gas prices in the previous years! Gas in India is still more expensive than here. The truth is that the whole world is coming at the same level. America is not going down but the world is rising so America alone cannot, any longer, get gas at cheap rates.

  2. president bush.

  3. It is about five things. 1. speculators 2.The people that we buy it from overseas do not like us. 3. Greedy U.S oil companies. 4. Congress will not let us drill. 5. Bush for not really trying to do any thing until now.  By the way alot of the reason that gas is so high in Europe is because their governments tax the H out of it.

  4. We are having falling gas prices now. They are now $3.70

    and from what I understand they will be going lower still.Yes; I have heard the gas is $10.00 un Europe. They may have better public transportation in Europe,

  5. It's the governments fault. I would love to see how much money the gas companies are paying the politicians to keep us from using our own resources and to keep us from finding alternative sources of fuel. It's the Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians fault. If one party offers a solution the other party rejects it. All of them have become a bunch of bickering 6 year-olds, it's pathetic; and the bad thing is they are the ones who control what will happen.

    It also doesn't help that the oil companies executives need a new mansion and yacht each year.

  6. Those lovely people they call the "speculators" drive up the prices.

  7. Yes It's the governments fault for not finding alternative fuel years ago. That's why we are in this crisis buying fuel from over seas, this issue should have been addressed years ago. And yes in Europe it's about $10.00 or more depending on whether or not it's unleaded,premium or diesel, but you have to remember. I have a Blog about this same issue on my Yahoo 360 page, so check it out, & take the survery...

  8. It's all Al Gore's fault

  9. Prices have been going down.  It's not Bush's fault. Liberals just like to blame everything on Bush because they are still sore that they lost the election.  The gas prices started going up as soon as the Democrats took over Congress. THe price of oil rises because of supply and demand. China and India are using more and more oil every day. That is just one factor on the price of oil,. There are many other reasons.  Bush is not one of the reasons.

  10. I agree with Birdman!

    and Mccain is trying to help the gas prices, as obama is doing nothing! excpet saying how he's "making a change" while doing nothing!

    vote mccain

  11. Actually, gas prices has been going down lately. here in southern Calif, i've been seeing $4.15 a to $4.49 a couple of weeks ago.

  12. The entire economies fault it's called a recession people should seriously consider finding another fuel source; wow that is high I used to pay around $7.00 now I only pay average $3.60.

  13. Go to school and study economics.  Do not listen to what these #%$@#%@ heads are saying when they blame President Bush.  And for all of those that blame President Bush for everything, ask yourself this question; when was the LAST terrorist attack on US soil, let alone US interests abroad?....I rest my case.  The war on terror is working!!
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