i had a dream this morn and it has really biffed me out.... i live on the west coast of Scotland next to the sea... i used to get these dreams about 4....5 years ago but not so vivid! i am dreaming that i'm with my family and ppl i know and there seems to be global disaster happening, everybody running about in a panic but i don't know what's happening. i'm in a big kind of holiday centre by the beach... the next thing i know the sea starts rushing in and getting higher, everyone is running away but my dad doesn't want to leave, i keep trying but have to leave him in the end and everyone else dies in the rising water except this young boy who comes with me, but in the end we get to this kinda mountain hill thing but the waves are massive and get us.... then i woke up... there was more that happened but all i want to know what does rising sea levels mean? hope i don't have this one again!!! lol thnks for answers....