
Risk Vs Chess which is better at strategy game?

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The more variables a game has the strategy it takes to win. From the stand point of both games you can risk a assets to obtain objectives but which is the better game.




  1. chess. risk is more fun tho

  2. Chess. For one reason, it is the veteran game. It has been around far longer than risk, passing the test of time. I never really got into Risk, but my opinion is that chess is the more intelligent game.

  3. Chess is entirely strategy, Risk relies a little bit on luck (roll of the dice, card draws) so even the best strategy can lose and the worst could win, in theory.

  4. chess

  5. Chess.  The best plans in the face of a guy rolling 6 are irrelevant.  Chess limits chance.

  6. it depends risk is way more of a easier game to play competivly if you know what im saying but chess you have to things of everything 5 moves ahead so i would say chess

  7. As an avid player of both risk and chess, I believe that not only does chess require more strategy than risk, it requires more strategy than any other board game ever invented.  It takes an extroardinary amount of skill to master the unique function and movement of each chess piece, enabling them to work together to conquer an opponent.  Risk does require quite a bit of strategy as well, but there is a great deal of luck involved in risk -- the roll of the dice, the cards drawn etc.  In a good game of chess, there is no luck.  It is pure skill and strategy.

  8. Risk.

  9. without a doubt chess takes more strategy...  as you said more variables = more strategy needed... i agree, but add dice to any game, and less importance in on strategy, and more goes onto luck, and good fortune...

  10. Wow that is a really though question.... I would that the two really couldn't be compared. In chess you on your own and however you play will affect your chances of winning. But in risk, ecspecially big games with 4+ people you can make/break alliances and you have to watch all around you instead of just focusing straight ahead. But in my opinion chess would take more strategy because your choices soley affect the outcome, not your choices and the roll of a die.

  11. Both are fun in their own ways...chess is much more of a pure strategy game, as there's no element of luck involved, as there is in Risk.

    There are also infinitely more strategies in chess than there are in risk.

    Strategy in Risk can get interesting, especially depending on how many players there are.  But it's nowhere close to chess as a strategy and tactics game.  An army is an army is an army...they all do the same.   In Chess, there are many kinds of pieces, each with their own moving and capturing powers.  And you have to learn how to make different pieces work together in order to be successful at the game.

  12. Risk

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