
Ritalin help.....?

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ok my son is on ritalin...I have seen the difference....the doctor says to give it only on school first I did then a co-worker that it is better to give it all the time....that its not good to stop it because it is a medication like a diabetics meds they don't stop taking i cause it'll be not good that it keeps the amount in he blood stable....also I want to know that on holidays(summer and march break) he goes to daycamp I think he should take it because he still needs to concentrate and listen and often the concellors are young......but my ex thinks not...but as being a ex-camp cancellor an having a brother coordinater of camps we think it helps that the child stay on the meds...

also what are the side effects of ritalin my ex says its may cause him to be shorter....

any advice will be welcome.....




  1. My daughter is on concerta,its like ritalin, but time-released.I give it to her-only for school,Her doctors,agree that she doesn`t have to take it-except for school.When she first started taking it,she said that" it took some of her happiness away".I call her my energizer bunny.She knows she needs it to help her concentrate in a group of people.but I want her,to know who she is without the medicine, so I don`t give it weekends, holidays.She does great in school.I really fail to see, how not giving it  during the weekend makes a difference .Listen to your doctor.There are some ADHD medicines you have to take everyday They work on the brain, changing it`s chemistry.,Ritalin isn`t one of them, which I like -it works, then it`s gone, it does not stay in your system.Compare it to any medication, you take it,after 4hrs it`s gone,now if you take it during the week, but not on weekends, is that going to make a diffeance in effectiveness? Since Ritalin is addicting, it`s good to give the body a break.Please do not let some of the comments here bother you, this is a touchy subject.Like everything in life, people have there own opinions.You don`t really understand it till you have a child, that does have ADHD. Good Luck Thanks Kelli, for the links, I saw that it doesn`t build up in the bloodstream, which reinforce my veiw. The thing about Monday, being less effective, maybe mental. Are any of us at our peak on Monday?. lol

  2. Here's what I found out about it. The first link seemed like a really good resource.

  3. Kids who take it every day function better than kids who don't.  I know of cases where on Monday they can't do much work because they haven't had meds all weekend, and their brains don't adjust back into focus till about Wednesday.  And if they're very sensitive and have been off it longer than just 2's impossible till Friday.

  4. Have you ever looked into exactly what ritalin is? The molecular formula has a striking resemblance to cocaine... just as aderall has a serious resemblance to crystal meth. Wouldn't you think if you were busy tweeking you could concentrate better as well (At first)? Funny thing is, you actually CONDONE giving this to your child?!

    My advice... get him off of these meds ASAP. Try a little discipline and both you and your son will be better off.

    OR continue to dope your child up, it's your choice.

  5. psychosis abnormal thinking or hallucinations)

    difficulty sleeping

    mood swings

    mood changes

    stomach aches

    diarrhea, headaches

    lack of hunger (leading to weight loss)

    and dry mouth

    some cases also including death

    It's a nasty drug that I don't agree with. Your choice though.

  6. I'm not a big fan of Ritalin.  I have a few cousins who take it, and it really alters their personality.  There's an energy drink on the market that has improved behavior as well as some supplements.  I realize that you are directing your question to the prescription only, but if on the days you do not want to give it to your son, finding (natural) alternatives may help.  

    As I understand it, ADD/ADHD is caused by the brain going much faster than it needs to be.  Also, many people confuse a Popular Sanquine personality (see the book Personality Plus) with this learning disability.  I'm sure this is not the case with your son, since he has been diagnosed by a medical professional.  Regardless, looking into natural alternatives and understanding your son's specific personality may help a little bit!

    Good luck!

  7. stopping and starting is not good but some of the side affects of ritalin is depression,suicide the pharmacutical company's feel if 3 kids out of 100 have bad side affects they wil keep it on the market do your internet research and pay close attention to your son wht is calm and to calm.

  8. ADHD meds work better if given everyday. I don't know the side effects of ritalin. My brother took it and he is 6'1 which is taller than both our mother and father so I don't think it effected his growth at all.

  9. I have taken Ritalin for 10 years and Adderall for 2.  I am not a doctor but I have read up on them from many sources.  Your co-worker is flat out wrong.

    Your son is "on" Ritalin about 20 minutes after he takes it and then has "withdrawals" a few hours later when the medicine's half-life has run its course.  The withdrawals is a swing back where for about 15 minutes, he is a little more distracted than he normally is.

    This is a take as needed medication but do not exceed the dosage prescribed.

    I take a drug free week about once a year to make sure that everything is ok with my body on it and off it.

    I do take enough to be a productive worker on my job and to be a good husband at home after work hours.

    Hey, if you are going to the park that day and he doesn't need it, don't take it.

  10. get your child off of this**** NOW. this is nothing more than legal speed. and giving it to a child is just beyond me.

    my husband took it for 7 years and was never told of the dry mouth that comes aong with it and that is could cause decaying teeth, like METH MOUTH... and he has had to have thousands of dollars worth of dental work to repair the damage done by this drug. and worse, this drug causes all sorts of psychosis.

    children are children. some are wild and some spaz a bit. some just need more discipline or more attention.

    you CAN help your child and correct problems without drugging them, stunting their growth and rotting their teeth out..among so many other things.

    it's called not taking the EASY WAY OUT and actually getting to the root of the problem instead of masking and drugging them.

  11. My daughter has ADHD and takes medication.  She has been on meds for 4 years.  I give it to her EVERYDAY!  This helps her focus and helps her cope with everyday challenges better.  The medication has helped her tremendously and I would be doing her a disservice if I only gave it to her on school days.  She needs the medication to function normally.  I say, talk with your doctor some more--or get a second MEDICAL opinion.

    And, no it will not make him shorter.  He may not gain as much weight since a side effect is decreased appetite.  But in the long run the meds are the best thing you can do.

    Keep in mind that there are many types of ADHD drugs out there and if the Ritalin doesn't work, something else might.  Don't be afraid to try other things before you get good results.  We had to try a couple and had to change them as she got older.  As long as the meds are benefitting him go for it.

    Oh--as a side note.  ADHD medication is nothing like insulin for diabetics.  Diabetics take medication (insulin) to stay alive.  Big difference!

  12. Both my son and I have ADD.  We refuse to put him on meds.  I have seen several doctors and tried several different meds myself, including ritalin.  A vast majority of ADD meds including ritalin are amphetamines (i.e. speed).  While thay did a great job of improving my concentration and memory, the side effects were unbearable.  They included paranoia, short temper, anger issues, insomnia, and severe mood swings.  You need to ask yourself if your son really needs to be medicated.  Since ADD is a condition where the brain needs more stimulation, a better approach may be to find activities that can really peak your sons interests.  In my sons case, art and science projects that require his full attention have really helped.  Not only does he enjoy these activities, we believe they are really helping his condition somehow.  We also made his school aware of his condition, and his teachers have found ways to keep him under control with special assignments that that are designed to improve his concentration.
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