
Ritalin prescription?

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Ok here's the ting. My dad is a doctor with his own clinic and we have a ton of his prescription pads at home. I want to try out some Ritalin due to college pressure but want to get it without my father knowing. So can i write a prexription for Ritalin on his pad, go to walgreens or w/e and get some? How successful will this operation be? Will they contact my father to make sure this prescription was written by him? Will any information of me picking up this presc. reach him? Will a copy of this prescription reach him just because it's RITALIN? What are my chances. How can i get ritalin without him knowing. THanks.

College pressure.....

And dont tell me to study and stuff and no natural remedies....just answer the question.




  1. Do you really want your father to lose his license to practice medicine?  My grandson takes ritalin.  If you are not ADD or ADHD, it will wind you up like a top.  If you are under a lot of pressure, you will need something to calm you down so you can focus.  Ritalin only calms you down if you are ADD or ADHD.  If you aren't, it will do the opposite of what you want it to do.  Check online for an herbal alternative.  They work great.  

  2. That's risky- stimulating drugs are controlled pretty well, you don't want to have the pharmacy call your dad to make sure he wrote it (I know for a fact they do this with opiates, it may be the same for ritalin).  You have an easier chance of getting this, though, than adderall (because ritalin is not amphetamine it may not be as strict).  Still though your dad could get in trouble.  I suggest that you don't do this.

    Just ask around at your school- adderall and ritalin are everywhere on college campuses, you're bound to find someone who has them.  It's better than risking your relationship with your dad, and his profession.

  3. odds are that you will get away with it, but if you get caught you will go to jail and your dad might lose his license to practice medicine

  4. Yes he will have to have thourough records of that script, Ritaln is a class of drug that the prescription as to be hand written and a copy also has to be sent to the feds because it is pure amphetamine.

    Try very strong coffee.

  5. Are you crazy..Do you realize how much trouble you AND your dad could get into?? Grow Up!!
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