
Roaches and Mice are taking over the house... Please HELP!!!!?

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my mom would like some really cheap pest control asisstants cuz the roaches basically rule the house now.... as soon as the lights go out at night.. the kitchen is covered with them... and the basement (where i sleep at) is overpopulated with mice.... Please help

do you know any cheap pest control??




  1. clean your house. for one thing if there is nothing for them to eat they don't stay long. kind of like my in-laws. do not use poison for the mice if they eat it and die in the walls the smell will last a long time. use traps peanut butter for bait. If you have kids in the house hurry up and get this taken care of because the two worst pest to have that care diseases are roaches and mice or rats.If you really try hard and it doesn't work spend the money and get a pro in there. By the way the roaches will get in to you cloths and every where you go they go. Like your freinds and family homes. good luck!!!!

  2. You could clean your house with detergent, and get mice poison from the drugstore and put it in the cabinets and get some roach poison too and do the same thing. If that don't work then get the best pest control you can find. Most of the time when you have both roaches and mice it's because the place is dirty.

  3. Boric acid powder, if it is a very fine powder, can be sprayed in corners, on kitchen floor between large appliances, and where wall meets floor, and left there. It is a slow toxin, so you have to give it time to work. Therefore, don't vacuum it up the day after you lay it out.

    Also, sodium bicarbonate powder can be used; when eaten, it generates carbon dioxide gas; roaches can't burp.

    Obviously, mousetraps using peanut-butter bait can be used. If the mice are eating the boric-acid-poisoned roaches, perhaps their numbers will diminish.

    Somewhere, there's a slow water leak. Nothing brings roaches like a slow water leak somewhere out of sight of the human inhabitants. Find and fix that leak. Seal any food in tight containers. Spread the powders in all hidden places.  

  4. set traps for the mice(with a peanut butter bait) and find the holes they are coming in from(or anywhere they might be bedding) and seal them off.For the roaches...BORIC ACID..its not expensive and you mix it with cornmeal 1/3 cornmeal to 2/3 boric acid, they will feed on the cornmeal and ingest the boric acid which dehydrates them and they die.They take it back to their hiding places on their legs etc. and it is ingested by other roaches as well. Put it everywhere!!..behind stove, under sinks. in cabinets (corners and back) behind and under fridge..its safe for humans and pets and IT DOES WORK!!

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