
Road Bike (Trek 1.5, double, Triple)?

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What exactly is the difference Between The Trek 1.5s Double and Triple..Does it Matter which One i buy??




  1. I am a believer in road bikes with triples. As you get into better shape and acquire climbing skills, your use of the inner ring will diminish. However, it's always nice to know that it's there when you've got a really nasty hill at the end of an 85 - 100 mile ride. You might be able to get up the hill with the middle ring under normal circumstances, but maybe not when you're worn down.


  2. A Double will have two chainrings on the front with typically 53 and 39 teeth on each.

    A Triple will have three chainrings with typically 53-42 and 30 teeth on each cog! (Although your Trek will probably have 50-39-30)

    With a triple you have (in theory) 50% more gears available - ie. 18 gears on a double and 27 gears on a triple.

    As a beginner and seeing they cost the same, you may be better suited to opt for the triple and see how you get on with it!

    Best of fun mate.


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