
Road Kill: accident or suicide?!?!?

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Do you accidently run over animals in the road or do they come at your car?




  1. I think it's accidental, but there are times when it seems like a suicide attempt.....Like when a bird dive bombs my car....

  2. it depends on the situation,place,timeing..

  3. both animal's usualy have  a narow vision so they cant see the car's till its 2 late

  4. Depending on my speed I try to aviod them but sometimes they commit suicide by running out in front of your car while you are going 75mph down 301 at 3am and they are so big they dent your front bumper and shatter your blinker... personal experience.

  5. In most cases animals are passing the road when the car hits them, BUT that only happens if its too dark, the animal is small, or just reckless driving.

    EXCEPT the Squirrel.  Squirrel's are one of the dumbest animals i have ever seen. They wait, for god knows why, till the car is really close to them, THEN they decide to pass the street.

    AND BAAAAM ....  their dead. The aftermath is like a Squirrel carpet on the road.

    Having seen this happen many times, I've come to believe that the Squirrel may be suicidal.

  6. It's obviously suicide. Who'd want to be a possum or bird? They are hindu, and are trying to be reincarnated as something better. Like a steak.

  7. The vast majority of road kills are caused by the stupidity of the animal. Most of them are too dumb to know the dangers of traffic. Others can be caused by driver carelessness. But it can NEVER be considered suicide.

    Think about it. Us humans are the only living creatures that know we're going to die eventually. Animals don't, so how could they possibly try to commit suicide?

  8. Try to avoid hitting animals,   but not to the point your evasive tactics cause an accident.    If you have to choose between running over the cat or wrecking,   well,   so long  Fluffy.

  9. I think they wait until your close and run directly into your car.

  10. both.  I try to avoid but they make mistakes and run out in front of or play possium and get hit.

  11. It happens both ways, you can run over them and or they can run into your vehicle..

  12. i avoid them....

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