
Road Prank... flipping the other driver off? Does teenage boys have nothing better to do. Can we do something?

by  |  earlier

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These boys are in a car and they honked and flipped me off. They keep driving around me flipping me off. They eventually turn down the street to their high school. Great! I am getting flipped off for no reason by some stupid high school kids. I mean what can I do? oh trust me I fipped them off in return. I was a little angry. But what could I have done instead?

Today driving to work, these four boys were in a of them had his face mostly covered by a hoodie keep staring at me. He didn't say anything...I pulled up my window and move my car up a bit.. Then his friend in the front started staring...I was stucked at a light and got no where else to go...the driver moved up a bit, the kid in the back started staring again...I mean what am I supposed to do in this situation. I am driving alone in a car by myself. Are they doing that for fun? It's not like I can even call the cops...they haven't really done much other than annoying me and ruin my day.




  1. Stay in the car and don't make eye contact.

      Do not respond with an angry gesture or action..............

  2. If teens in a car staring at you is the worst part of your day, you have a pretty mundane life. Quit living in fear. You probably listen to the evening news too much.

    And no, teenage boys don't have anything better to do. It's quite entertaining to scare old ladies.

  3. road prank is no laughing matter it can lead to an accident due to frustration and anger take the plate no down and report it to the police or talk to the police to see what can be done about this matter before someone gets hurt.

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