
Road Rage!!! I think this is crazy, what do you think?

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Whilst driving, I try (TRY :-) to be courteous on the roads.

So yesterday at a stop sign their were a pile of cars bumper-to-bumper and another few trying to come out of a shopping centre exit, with not much hope.

So I when the lights changed, and there would soon be room for me to go, I waved a car from the shopping centre exit out and they did, so between then and myself moving again, which was directrly after, no time to complain!

I get this big Beep that continued on until I turned.

It never bothered me much, as I knew that I would want the same courtesy shown when I am in that situation, which I have been and given courtesy.

Isn't that a little over the top?

What are your thoughts on this and why road rage is getting worse and why?




  1. when people lay on the horn like that, slam on the brakes so they rear-end you.  then sue them into the ground.

    have fun getting rich!

  2. DUde i didnt understand anything u've written and what are your thoughts on road rage? what will u do with ours! get a life dude

  3. Cause people are rude and they do not know how to drive properly. They drive unsafe. Example they run red lights, cut in front of you, they drive to slow, and etc. Some people are in a hurry to and they want you to move out of there way so they can go.

  4. You live in a crappy town / city.  I live in NYC and it is almost normal for cars / drivers to lean on the horn.  I was recently in LA (first time) and they hardly ever honk each other.  But when you make one MISTAKE people jump on their horns like little brats out of control.

    But when I lived in Maui (Hawaii), my friend would not honk another car no matter what.

    The way I see it, people in NYC are basically constantly frustrated and are taking it out on the next guy.  I once read that evil is contagious while kindness is not.  So somebody crapped on them and they need to c**p on you.

    Good Luck.

    So it isn't what you did or didn't do.  It is really the culture of the city you live in.

  5. Road rage is a big problem these days.   I don't participate.  I don't care what people think.

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