
Road Rage Question.?

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No one needs to tell me I have road rage. I do and that's not going to change. But I do have a question for anyone who travels in the left lane on interstates and won't move over. If I'm in the lane and somebody comes up behind me going faster I move over. I don't understand why everybody doesn't. Why don't people move over?




  1. Why? Primarily because they are ignorant and/or selfish.  At least that is my opinion.

    But you gotta do something about the Rage thing, or you are killing yourself for nothing.  It takes a lot of work but you can tone it down to just frustration (personal experience talking), and if you are really good you can even become unfazed by it, just like bad weather.  d**k-all you can do about other people's driving behavior anyway, so learn to live with it.

    My brother-in-law says he just spaces out on being in the passing lane, he doesn't become aware he is being a road hog until someone rides his bumper.  My dad claims that he rides in the left lane because there aren't trucks and all that traffic moving on and off at exits.  I once went on field trip in college where the car was driven by my prof, originally from India, and he never got out of the left lane the whole way, despite being passed repeatedly on the right by people blaring their horns.  Didn't seem to faze him a bit but it drove me absolutely nuts.

    I don't mind too much being behind someone as long as the person is passing the cars in the lanes to the right, and there really isn't enough space for that person to move over to let the people behind go by, as long as they do move over as soon as it becomes possible, which most people do.

    The worst ones to me are the people who drive slowly when there are cars in the next lane over, but as soon as there is a long gap (where they should move over to let us pass, or at least we can go around them on their right if they refuse to give way), they speed up so you cannot pass, until they get into another group of cars where they slow down again.  I absolutely hate that, and the only way I can explain it is that they have some need to be at the front, the selfish pigs.

    Finally, I have seen people answer this question by saying, "I am going the speed limit, you want to break the law" or something to that effect, to which I answer (in advance, should you get this response) that it is equally illegal in most places to stay in the left lane when the lane to the right is unoccupied.  Keep right except to pass, left lane is for passing only, and all that.  

    But back to the rage thing, you really need to dial it down a notch or two if it is real rage you are discussing, and not just venting your frustrations to yourself.

  2. Because its the only attention they get.  Just some idiot that doesn't care if they cause an accident. I would like to feel sorry for them but I can't, they're dumba....s...

  3. Well thats a dumb question, but its sort of expected from somone like you anyway... everyone wants to get to where they're going quicker and most just stay in their place and not everyones as friendly with each other

  4. Because they are stupid.

  5. My wife drives like that and makes me nuts. When I asked her she said, she is going the above the speed limit and she doesn't like changing lanes, because it isn't safe.

    My advice, if you get behind my wife and just pass on the right, save your road rage, it won't change anything.

  6. if I came up behind you in ether my 98 firebird formula or my truck you hade better move the f*** over. i have no time to sit and wait for you. and if i'm driving my truck  and i'm on your tail you may not be going to slow i might just be back there because i dont like you.

  7. Your road rage will stop when you are dead or in prison. Get over yourself. Your place is on the Autobhan, where your attitude will kill you. That will be better for everyone.

  8. they don't understand that it's a lane for overtaking slower traffic, they think it's just another cruising lane....

    when I get behind people like that, I overtake them in the wrong lane, then get in front of them and slow down....usually when I get to around 25 or 30mph they move over to pass, then I get back up to speed, leaving them far behind...


  10. A lot of people don't think about their driving.  They just don't.  They don't consider its effect on other people.  Like you, "no one needs to tell them they are inconsiderate drivers.  They are and that's not going to change."

    In my opinion (which you did not ask for) you are a little too accepting of your own road rage.  It can be a danger to you and your passengers as well as to other people on the road because it causes you to drive in an impaired condition.

    Here's how I sometimes handle my road frustration:  I imagine that the driver is one of my parents, or a child or sibling of mine; or maybe a friend.  The person IS that for someone, and possibly someone you know.

    Road rage comes from not recognizing the driver of the other vehicle as a human being.  Once you can see that driver as a real person, it's easier to calm down.

    Good luck and safe driving.

  11. Because they don't know how to drive and they don't know the rules of the road... but, on the other hand... just WHEN did you BUY THE HIGHWAY?... in case you have never figured it out, they have as much of a right to be on the road as YOU DO... so be courteous and just go around them.

    You are probably like one of those idiots who come rushing up behind someone who is in the RIGHT lane and demand that they get out of YOUR way because YOU think YOU are so IMPORTANT.... and you tailgate people because you have some misplaced fantasy that you are a NASCAR driver.

  12. I think there's a lot of people out there who don't remember the lessons they were supposed to learn from driver's ed (for instance, why not move over when it's safe from the right lane and allow cars to merge onto the freeway from an onway ramp?).  Maybe they just don't care.   Still... road rage is a waste of your energy.  You need to learn to "let it go"... it took me awhile to do that, but it's what I do now.  I just let the idiot drivers drive on by.
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