
Road Rules Question?

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The other night I was turning right at an intersection with a green arrow, which means it is a don't stop sign for the pedestrians so naturally I didn't expect there to be any pedestrians crossing the road, I wasn't paying that much attention and just turned, fortunately my girlfriend warned me before I came too close to the stupid lady crossing the road on a red light. Theoretically, had I hit her, would it have been my fault?

My girlfriend (a non driver) is sure that it would've been my fault as pedestrians always have right of way. On the other hand, I am sure that I would have had nothing to answer for because the woman was crossing on a DONT WALK indicator. my girlfriend and I are having a debate over the liabilities of such an accident





  1. If you had hit her it could be that you was in trouble.

    A green arrow doesn't mean don't stop for pedestrians but that you have the right to go as the road is clear.

    Maybe she was going that slow that she was already on her way when the light was still green.In that case you was the one to blame completely.

    You still are not allowed to hit someone who is at fault if you can avoid it and always have to pay attention.

  2. Yes it would of been your fault.

  3. Pedestrians always have the right away no matter what.

    And some pedestrians seem to take advantage of the fact.

    They just walk right out in front of your car.

    Cross walks/Do Not Walk Indicators are at certain places for pedestrains to cross but there isnt going to be one at every place you go to.

    If it said DO NOT WALK.

    She shouldnt of walked.

    But if she was half way through the intersection and she had the right away to walk and you would have hit her it would be your fault.

    Just watch extra carefully next time.

  4. If it was green and a pedestrian is half-way through & crossing the pedestrian line at that time? Yes, Drivers should yield for pedestrians crossing every time.  

  5. You have to watch the road, not just the traffic lights.

  6. I'm afraid it would have been your fault.

    If you hot a pedestrian at all, as far as the law is concerned, the driver is at fault.

    I think the logic (if you can call it that) is that you need a license to drive and therefore they expect you to be safer than pedestrians.

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