
Road rage and commuting, how do I cope?

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I have a chance to get a really good paying job that will require interstate driving. The drivers in my area are absolutely nuts and drive like they are going to h**l in a hurry. I am terrified of commuting with this group of psychos each day. And my fear is so bad that I am willing to give up a possible job that would pay me twice what I make now. Is there anything I can do to get over my fear of interstate driving. I think it bothers me so bad because people drive really fast, they tailgate and the traffic going in town is usually bumper to bumper in the morning rush. Any suggestions? Please understand this is very serious and I would appreciate only sincere answers from people who can relate.





  1. keep right and do not allow yourself to be a road hazard,,,keep up with traffic at a reasonable speed   two wrongs don't make a right

  2. I've been commuting from the San Joaquin valley to the Bay Area for 19yrs (170 miles round trip) Everyday is like Mexican NASCAR (Poor drivers, Driving Junk cars, Way too fast)  Get yourself Satellite radio, Listen to Comedy, Old time Radio, Howard Stern or anything that relaxes you.  Don't get caught up in the last minute driving, Anything can happen that can make you late.  I leave 45 minutes early and close my eyes for a bit before I walk into the office, It takes away some of the commute stress and makes for a nicer day..  Keep your middle finger down below the dash, People today have no respect for a human life and think nothing about running you off the road or following you to work.   Be safe and don't have the ME FIRST attitude

  3. lot of people give up jobs because of one thing or another. but give it a chance maybe its not as bad as you think .never know until you try.

  4. Are you willing to move? Maybe not as far as the job, but say, half way between your current location and the new job? Maybe you could allow yourself more time and take the back roads.

  5. I ride a motorbike and everyone always pulls out on me (even when they are at stopsigns and give ways) and cuts me off..then they sometimes flip me the bird for it. hoho! I used to have real bad road rage. To the point where I would get off my bike and kick peoples cars (years ago...I have reformed) but now I am all easy going. People nearly kill me pretty much every day. I have my life heavily insured and I am quite an agressive rider but I am also very very careful. If someone can pull out I assume they will. If theres a car there I assume it will try and knock me off my bike.

    I am all like..oh duude. dude no. Sometimes i even hit the ..ohhhh dude you cannot drive! Everyone is a dude. lol. Trust me it helps. You can't take them to heart. Except for that lady who pulled into my lane from behind and tried to force me out of the lane. Theeeen she gets all aggressive when I pull into my rightful place in the lane and tries to do it again. omg. Sometimes you just gotta drag it back. TRy and keep your sense of humor and always...always be looking out.

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