
Road rage ~ for or against and to what extent?

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do you engage in any form of road rage whether it is horn blowing, flipping off, or simply muttering under your breath? all drivers are aware of the dangers of road rage and i am by no means condoning it but every once in a while someone will do something so stupid that i absolutely see biggest driving peeve is people who pull out in front of me or cut me off, and i'm talking lock the brakes close calls only to look up in the rear-view and find noone behind me - especially if my kids are with me....what pushes you to the edge and beyond?....




  1. people who cut me off without using their signals. I do not understand why it's so freakin hard to be courteous and use a turn signal!! I chalk it up to those people being lazy, rude, inconsiderate pigs. It pisses me off to no end. I cannot say I'm innocent of any acts of road rage, but those people had it coming. I wish I could keep a bucket of water ballons filled with a disgusting paint color, like puke orange fuschia, and chuck them out my window at people who are driving like jerks. Too bad I'd get into trouble, if I was caught.

  2. Sometimes it seems like its impossible not to get irritated at other drivers.  People can be so inconsiderate!  But I'm sure I've irked some people on the roads myself.  

    As far as what I think is acceptable, horn honking should be kept at a minimum, only when another driver is oblivious and really endangering you or someone else.  I think most of the time, the idiots are totally aware that they are being ******* and a horn just raises a ruckus and create further problems...

    Other than that, I myself am a mutterer, I don't flip people off or yell out the window.  They definitely don't need to hear me calling them a dumb *****, so I keep that within my vehicle!

  3. People are stupid and 90% of drivers are rude, inconsiderate and radiate the "me me" complex. I see jerks tailgate and/or cut off without signaling all the time. It's quie irritating.

  4. i can so relate to you.... i tend to say comments stupid driver!!! learn to use you turn signals!!! but something i learned through therapy is skinny bunny....sounds weird but i like the is something that really isn't important in the long aren't hurting the other person by yelling but you are raising your blood pressure..... and have a good day

  5. out of towners that dont drive right

  6. You are painting road rage with an excessively broad brush. American Heritage Dictionary defines rage as "violent, explosive anger". Muttering under your breath, honking, and flipping others off does not constitute "violent, explosive anger". Chasing other cars, deliberately trying to disrupt or damage them, physical confrontations between drivers, verbal confrontations, and armed confrontations all constitute road rage. Just getting mad at another driver does not.  Nothing pushes my buttons past the point of simple annoyance, because any further reaction by me will escalate a fleeting situation into a much more dangerous one. I have not survived 31 years driving in Southern California with a perfect driving record by allowing road rage to become part of my routine. I have survived by avoiding it completely. Only you can control your reaction to a situation. And I can assure you that panic and rage are the wrong reactions unless you are looking for a fight.

  7. it doesnt bother me so much if they pull out in front of me, as long as they realize that im going fast, and they better go fast too. then everything is okay. if they pull out and go slow...then theres a problem...i ride their tail until i pass them and thats when i slam on my gas to make them realize their stupid slow. also, when they dont use turn signals. im always talking to the stupid drivers...saying how theyre stupid whores ect ect.  also when their car is like half way out of the road when theyre coming off another rd or drive way, i go faster and faster honk my horn bunch of times and then go around them last minute. i kno thats very dangerous, but they are the ones that are actually in the way of my driving.

  8. I also see alot of stupid drivers in SoCal.  I commute about 1.5 hours each way every day (sometimes more, often less) and consider myself an under breath curser (though the curses are loud enough and clear enough that they cannot really be considered "muttering").

    I think people are by-and-large (down here anyway) inconsiderate, and trying to figure out a way to cut you off or get in front of you without you seeing it coming.  No, seriously!  I drive the 101 to the 405 and southward on my way to work each morning, and there is a long lane on the 101 before the interchange to hold the line of cars wanting to go that way.  I have been commuting on this freeway for over 3 years, and for some reason I have NEVER had to cut in front of someone at the last minute.  EVER.  Amazingly enough, there is everyday a large number of (primarily rude mercedes, lexus, and BMW...oh, and taxi drivers are the rudest of all, I NEVER cut them any slack) drivers that cut over at the last minute - most of the time without blinkers, or blinkers on at the last minute, like they are trying to surprise you, for crissake - and slow the people who were already waiting in line.  Im sure some of those people legitimately just didn't realize they should be in the line of cars to get on the 405, but the vast majority are just ******* who think they are too important to wait in the line with the "little people" like me.  *LOL*

    My only nod to rode rage is to not let them in *LOL*  I figure if they get hassled trying to get in, maybe next time they won't be so ready to "take cuts" the next day.  Probably has no effect, but it makes me feel better ;)  I guess that is not MY road rage though, but I did see an armenian guy this morning who looked like his head was going to explode in rage if I didn't let him in.

    I just blew him a kiss and kept going.

    That's my secret road-rage diffuser.  If someone honks at me or flips me off or whatever, I just blow them a kiss and wave.  Usually that pisses them off even more.

  9. what really bugs me is when someone cuts me off like that and then waves. Like, its all OK now!

  10. I like Meg's idea...paint balloons! You would have a field day with those where I live. lol

    I don't blow the horn unless someone nearly caused a wreck. And I don't flip people off. I usually mutter a bit and change my route if possible so I don't have to see that person in traffic.

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