
Road rage!!!?

by  |  earlier

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who had road rage...

what do you think is the most annoying thing people do while driving




  1. Talking on their cell phones. No body can tell me that a person is aware of what is going on around them when they are on the cell phone. I can be driving behind three different groups of people, and be able to tell you by the way they are driving which group they belong in. Those groups are older citizens that shouldn't be driving, people on cell phones and people that were given their drivers test in their languages. No where in America have I seen International signs that everyone understands what to do and what has to be done, stop putting these people on the highways because they past the test in their languages..

  2. Speed up and slow down, speed up and slow down on a two lane road where you can't pass. Drives me crazy when people do this.

  3. when your at a stop sign and your waiting for a car to pass by for you to turn and the car ends up turning after all that wait cuz the dude doesnt signal

  4. One of the most annoying things is when the driver in front of you slows, slows, slows, puts on the brakes, then turns on the turn signals after they start to turn !!  Duh !!

  5. cut me off, drive 15 miles under the speed limit,

  6. It should be completely legal and fine to drag a fool out of their car and beat them unmercifully along the side of the road. If people faced actual consequences for their idiotic actions, then I believe, we would have far fewer morons behind the wheel.

  7. I don't really rage, unless someone does something stupid when my kids are in the car...but number one on my list is people who pull out in front of you then slam on brakes to turn and ofcourse don't bother to signal....and tractor trailers that change lanes & nearly run you off the road or tailgate you  when you're already speeding...oh and this one time I blew my horn b/c someone nearly hit me & when we got to the stoplight she got out of her car like she was going to attack me or I ran the red light b/c people now are stupid and crazy & kill over stupid things

  8. talk on their BLEEPING cell phone & not pay attention and d**n near side swipe me!!  or they will go realllly slow until you try to pass them, then they will speed up so you can't get around them.  blah!  and you can't flip them off...God only knows WHO has a gun under the seat!  VERY scary!

  9. Mouth breathers that think they have to swing wide right to make a left turn, like their Honda Pilot is an 18 wheeler.

    The idiotic punks that sit way down in the seat and half way into the middle of the car, with their hat on crooked. Friggin q****s! Cant see c**p except the dash board!

    Morons that see you coming in a truck and pull out in front of you so they don't get stuck behind a slow truck. Then they do about 10 MPH under the speed limit. Forcing you to shift half a dozen times to make a hill coming up that normally you could have been able to make with no or one shift, plus do it at the speed limit or a bit higher.

  10. I never had road rage. If there was a problem on the road I would just pull over and let them have the hole road. And as far as the worst then people do is cut right in front of you. Like your not even there.
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