
Road rage!?

by  |  earlier

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Am I the only one who gets extremely pissed off at people going speed limit or under? Sometimes I just want to crash into them just to teach them a lesson.




  1. yeah but they probably have brain damage already so wouldn't help

  2. I prefer the term "Vehicular Criticism"

  3. h**l no I feel that way a lot.

  4. I have road rage too

  5. Maybe its your extreme blowout haircut that makes you enraged. You may also suffer from C.D.S (crummy driver syndrome)

  6. Oh no, someone is going "at" the speed limit.  

    What part of speed LIMIT do you not understand?

    Go ahead and crash into them.  You'll be the one learning the lesson, not them.

  7. Its people like you who DON'T do the speed limit and cause accidents.

    Don't take out your emotional problems on other drivers.

  8. 90% Of the population can not drive, it greatly pisses me off too.

  9. Why do you let it bother you? Why do you let it define who you are? Why do you let it dictate the rest of your day? There are people on the road who will do things that are contrary to the established rules and guidelines, but you don't have to bring them home with you so that your wife and coworkers need to fight them too. Let it go. Life is too short to be mad at everyone who you think did you wrong. If you are having this much trouble dealing with other drivers, take the bus. Otherwise, obey the rules, get you, your vehicle, and your passengers to the destination undamaged, and stop whining. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
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