
Road test tomorrow - so nervous?

by  |  earlier

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I had my road test today, and after being so incredibly nervous and waking up at 4 am to get in line at time, I failed :( I was heartbroken. My appointment was at 9 a.m. and it was sheer agony till then. It even started raining while we were waiting and during the drive. I failed because (1) I made too wide a right turn into an intersection and barley touched the double solid yellow lines. I was so nervous because it was very busy that I guess I didnt make my turn in time? Any tips on how I could fix that? Should I turn before I accelerate? I dont know. Im so sad and disheartended :(. After the last mishap, she basically told me I failed and as we head back to the DPS, we had to make a left turn into the parking lot. There is a small incline there, and for some reason it throws me off. I guess I held the wheel too tightly to the left even when I should have been going straight so I kind obstructed traffic. I have a road test again tomorrow. What should I do? I am so nervous. Tips?




  1. This type of thing is normal.  All you need is more practice.  Try to practice at these same or similar locations.  It may seem complicated, but that's really all there is to it.  Don't worry about findng a magical formula that you have to use, just focus on getting a feel for it.

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