
Road trip across America - how much am I looking at for motel/hotel costs???

by  |  earlier

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Me and a mate are looking at travelling across the USA this Summer.

Can anyone give me a rough idea of how much it will cost (£ or $) for a room that can accomodate two people for one night?

Could you give me the price we would EACH pay for 1 night.

What kind of a discount do you get if you stay for say a week or two weeks?

Thanks for your help!




  1. You can search and choose hotel information, rates and availability for free in over 200 countries world wide at my profile.

  2. It matters were you are going and how long you are staying maybe it would be cheaper to buy a car and then to sell at the end of your vacation. Gas is going up. New Mexico gas is from 3.25 to 3.55 right now. California is 3.55 to 400 a galloon. You can find rooms from 30.00 to 75.00 for okay rooms.....You can park at rest stops and sleep.....need more information to give you more information..

  3. Average room per night in a place with no fleas, $75.00 U.S.You better have a car that's good on gas; it's getting upward of 3.50 a gallon now.

    From east to west coast, straight line driving 3000 miles. You have a car getting 30 miles per gallon ( GOOD LUCK WITH THAT ) You're still looking at 350.00 just for gas. Figure at least 10 stops worth making ( sight seeing etc... ) thats another 750 for a room. Now you're at 1100 without figuring on food , smokes ( if you need them ) booze ( also on a need basis ) entertainment ( admission fees, souveniers, etc...)

    h**l you could probably have a nice scenic trip for around 3000 per man . Have fun !

  4. There's always the possibility of sleeping in your car to save a lot of money.  Especially with two of you, napping in rest areas ("overnight parking" technically not allowed) can get you a long way down the road.  But also, unless you're staying in a beloved city or something, please don't stay put for a week!  There is so much scenery to see.  My longest trips have been four weeks, but even with all summer I'd have to remove stops from my itinerary for lack of time.  Have fun!

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