
Roaring in my ear - what could cause it? See more below?

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It roars when I lie on my right side. I had mastoiditis a couple of years ago and was told to be careful. I've seen the dr who couldn't see anything wrong. It doesn't hurt, just annoying!




  1. Tinnitus, earwax or blood pressure. Could be any of these.  I would get a second opinion if I were you. I once saw a doctor who 'couldn't see anything' when I knew darn well I had a tropical ear infection (had them before, lived in tropics for many years), wouldn't give me antibiotics. Am now partly deaf in that ear, because by the time my own doctor came back, the damage was done.  

  2. It's called tinnitus.  

  3. Check your Blood Pressure or may be some sort of migraine

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